Saturday, August 14, 2010

Orchestra : A complete solution to handle long-running, service oriented processes

Orchestra is a complete solution to handle long-running, service oriented processes. It provides out of the box orchestration functionality to handle complex business processes. It is based on the OASIS standard BPEL (Business Process Execution Language). Its objectives are improvement and control of processes, services interaction, and improving the productivity and agility of the company.
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

FET (free timetabling tool) automatically schedules the timetable of a school, high school, or university

FET (free timetabling tool) automatically schedules the timetable of a school, high school, or university. It aims to have the same functionality as expensive scheduling programs.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Implementation : C++

Friday, July 16, 2010

Granite Data Services (GDS) : An alternative to Adobe LiveCycle (Flex 3+) Data Services for J2EE application servers

Granite Data Services (GDS) is an alternative to Adobe LiveCycle (Flex 3+) Data Services for J2EE application servers. The primary goal of this project is to provide a framework for Flex 3+/EJB3/Seam/Spring/Guice/Pojo application development with full AMF3/RemoteObject benefits. It also features a Comet-like Data Push implementation (AMF3 requests sent over HTTP) and ActionScript3 code generation tools (Ant task and Eclipse Builder).
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Groovy, Java, Actionscript 3, Flex

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

RHQ : A management platform for everything from the OS level load and network metrics through common databases to application servers and projects

RHQ is a management platform for everything from the OS level load and network metrics through common databases to application servers and projects. The system includes support for monitoring and/or managing Apache httpd, Apache Tomcat, JBoss Application Server, PostgreSQL, and other popular open source projects. It is built on the powerful RHQ plugin model that allows for the quick development of support for new projects. It supports inventory auto-discovery, rich monitoring and alerting, operational control, configuration management, content deployment, log tracking, and full history and auditing. It supports fine-grained security and rich group management.
  • Licenses : GPLv2
  • Operating Systems : Mac OS X, Windows, OS Independent, POSIX, AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris
  • Implementation : Java

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The OpenGamma Platform provides a modern, open architecture for building analytic solutions to end users in trading and risk management

OpenGamma is developing an Open Source financial analytics and risk management platform for anyone actively trading in global markets.

The OpenGamma Platform provides a modern, open architecture for building analytic solutions to end users in trading and risk management. It combines a flexible integration model with best-of-breed customizability and usability to serve as the basis for analytics applications across your firm.

Cysphere : An integrated social networking server for smaller virtual communities

Cysphere is an integrated social networking server for smaller virtual communities. It provides a private mailbox, public and private discussion forums, and simple file sharing, and makes it as simple as possible for users to communicate over the Web in a secure way. It includes an embedded Web server and SQL database and requires no installation or maintenance.
  • Licenses : GPLv3
  • Operating Systems : Unix, Windows, Java Capable
  • Implementation : Java, AJAX, SQL, Jetty

jsoup : A Java library for working with real-world HTML

jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML. It can parse HTML from a URL, file, or string. It can find and extract data, using DOM traversal or CSS selectors. The HTML elements, attributes, and text can be manipulated. It can clean user-submitted content against a safe white-list. jsoup is designed to deal with all varieties of HTML found in the wild, from pristine and validating to invalid tag-soup; jsoup will create a sensible parse tree.
  • Licenses : MIT/X
  • Operating Systems : Java, Cross Platform
  • Implementation : Java, Java 5, HTML

The Imixs Workflow project offers a Java based BPM framework to build workflow management systems (WFMS) in a fast and easy way

The Imixs Workflow project offers a Java based BPM framework to build workflow management systems (WFMS) in a fast and easy way. The project provides different components and sub-projects that contribute to the development of workflow solutions in any kind of Java or Java EE application. The goal of this project is to offer an easy-to-use Java based technology with a focus on human based workflow. This means that the Imixs Workflow is typically applied to human-to-human workflow applications. But it can also be used for technical business process management solutions (BPM). The Imixs JEE Workflow is a full featured Workflow Management System (WFMS) based on the JEE specification. The project extends the Imixs Workflow API project to fulfill the requirements to a scalable, transactional, robust and simple deployable Java EE Workflow System. The Project provides different service components (EJBs) to be used in any kind of BPM application.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Implementation : Java, Java EE 5

Virtual Universe : A realistic, three-dimensional cyberspace and virtual reality simulation

The "Virtual Universe" is a realistic, three-dimensional cyberspace and virtual reality simulation. People can meet, interact with each other, build houses and whole worlds, simulate workflows, test designs, and much more. Due to its extensive programming interface, this virtual reality environment can be used for scientific and engineering tasks such as simulation and visualization applications. It also includes a terrain generator for virtual landscapes and the Java XTools, an extensive package that contains several enhancements and improvements for Java3D and Swing.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : POSIX, BSD, Windows, Unix
  • Implementation : Java, C

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Calenco : A collaborative editing Web platform

Calenco is a collaborative editing Web platform. It allows remote teams of writers, translators, and designers to create multi-lingual content and publish it in various formats: PDF, HTML, etc. It is based on XML technology to store and transform content.
  • Licenses : AGPL
  • Operating Systems : Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, Java Capable
  • Implementation : Java, AJAX, Dojo, jcr, Restlet, rest api

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

ConcourseConnect : A social networking platform

ConcourseConnect is a social networking platform. You can build social networking sites including corporate intranets, business community add-on sites, enthusiast sites, business or product directory sites (like a chamber of commerce or yellow pages), or even stand-alone Web sites. Features include a full range of Web 2.0 tools: ratings, reviews, wiki, blog, comments, discussion forums, an ideas engine, and more. Users begin by creating a rich profile and joining groups. It is perfect for internal collaboration or as a customer feedback forum. The portal framework allows developers to plug in custom portlets and themes.
  • Licenses : AGPLv3
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java, HTML, AJAX, postgresql

Monday, July 05, 2010

DDMSence : A Java API which supports the DoD Discovery Metadata Specification (DDMS)

DDMSence (pronounced "dee-dee-em-Essence") is a Java API which supports the DoD Discovery Metadata Specification (DDMS). It can transform XML DDMS Resource records into a Java object model (using XOM and Xerces), allowing them to be manipulated or traversed within the context of a Java environment. DDMSence also performs logical validation of rules which are not coded into the DDMS schema (such as the validation of longitude/latitude values).
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Operating Systems : Java 1.5
  • Implementation : Java, XML, XOM, Schematron

XOM : An XML object model. It is a tree-based API for processing XML with Java that simultaneously supports streaming

XOM is an XML object model. It is a tree-based API for processing XML with Java that simultaneously supports streaming. In many use-cases, it can process arbitrarily large documents with effectively constant memory sizes. It strives for correctness, simplicity, and performance, in that order. XOM supports XSLT, Canonical XML, and XInclude.
  • Licenses : LGPL

Imagero : A Java imaging library

Imagero is a Java imaging library. Supported file types include BMP, GIF, TIFF, PNG, JNG, MNG, JPEG (including CMYK and 12-bit grey), PSD, PBM, PGM, PPM, TGA, EPS, EPSI, EPSF, AI, PDF, MRW, CRW, NEF, DCR, and DNG. Imagero can read thumbnails and can read and write metadata (IPTC, EXIF, XMP, Wang Annotations, Image Resource Blocks, Image File Directrories, JPEG Markers). Accurate color conversion is done with ICC profiles. TIFF tools allow you to split and merge TIFF images, add and remove IFDs. Lossless JPEG to TIFF and TIFF to JPEG conversion can be done. Lossless JPEG operations are supported.
  • Implementation : Java

Sunday, July 04, 2010

JSesh : An editor for ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts

JSesh is an editor for ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts. It can export the text into picture formats, such as WMF files for easy inclusion in word processors. JSesh can also be used as a library for other projects concerning ancient Egyptian.
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

MASH : A modular, automated script harness

MASH is a modular, automated script harness. It allows users to implement simple harnesses that perform work external to a system. The framework will invoke that harness as outlined by an XML script. For example, when using the framework to test a system you could create a script that cleans and loads a database, FTPs some data, submits a login form, and verifies HTTP information. Harnesses can easily be built to do almost anything (many harnesses are provided), not just Web page verification. While harnesses are written in Java, the scripts may be run against any type of system as harnesses are intended to act as clients.
  • Licenses : Apache 2.0
  • Operating Systems : Platform, Independent
  • Implementation : Java Ant

DataNucleus AccessPlatform : A standards-compliant Java persistence product

DataNucleus AccessPlatform is a standards-compliant Java persistence product. It is fully compliant with the JDO1, JDO2, JDO2.1, JDO2.2, JDO3, JPA1, and JPA2 Java standards, and provides a REST API. It complies with the OGC Simple Feature Spec for persistence of geospatial Java types. It allows access to all popular RDBMS available today, together with db4o, LDAP, NeoDatis, JSON, Excel/ODF spreadsheets, XML, BigTable, and HBase databases.
  • Licenses : Apache 2.0
  • Implementation : Java, JPA, JDO, REST

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Ample SDK : A standards-based cross-browser JavaScript GUI framework for building Rich Internet Applications running in a Web browser

Ample SDK is a standards-based cross-browser JavaScript GUI framework for building Rich Internet Applications running in a Web browser. It employs XML technologies (such as XUL, SVG, and HTML5) for UI layout, CSS for UI style, and JavaScript for application logic client-side. Ample SDK equalizes browsers and brings technology support to those missing any. The componentization model built into the core of the framework allows prototyping existing UI elements and creating new ones.
  • Licenses : GPL, MIT/X
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : JavaScript, HTML, CSS, VML, SVG, AJAX

KCFinder : An alternative to the CKFinder Web file manager

KCFinder is an alternative to the CKFinder Web file manager. It can be integrated into FCKeditor, CKEditor, and TinyMCE WYSIWYG Web editors to upload and manage images, flash movies, and other files that can be embedded in an editor's generated HTML content.
  • Licenses : GPLv2, LGPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : AJAX, jQuery, PHP 5+, CSS3, JavaScript

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

RESTClient : A Java Swing application to test RESTful Web services

RESTClient is a Java Swing application to test RESTful Web services.
  • Licenses : Apache 2.0
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Monday, June 28, 2010

mika : A multi-platform business mobility application framework based on a client-server concep

mika is a multi-platform business mobility application framework based on a client-server concept. mika-server can connect to different backends (currently only PBX/communication systems) using different protocols. Data transport is based on HTTP/HTTPS and JSON objects. mika supports basic client management. Internally, data is represented as applications to the user. Current client implementations are available for J2ME (e.g. Symbian) and webOS (Palm Pre). Current applications include dial, phonebook, calllog, and presence.
  • Licenses : GPLv3
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : PHP 5

Monday, June 21, 2010

YAFPC (Yet Another Free PDF-composer) can compose PDF documents from picture files and other PDF files, encrypt the created document

YAFPC (Yet Another Free PDF-composer) can compose PDF documents from picture files and other PDF files, encrypt the created document, and send it to a given email address. YAFPC is designed to act as a command-line tool that combines with GhostScript to provide a network shared PDF printer which automatically adds letterheads, company-logos, watermarks, and Terms & Condition- pages to the printed documents, and then mails the document to the user who initiated the print job. It has a graphical user interface (GUI) for easy configuration and testing. Easy-to-use sample scripts for setting up a PDF-printer on Windows or Linux servers are included.
  • Licenses : GPL, Freeware
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Project Voldemort : A distributed database

Voldemort is a distributed key-value storage system.
  • Data is automatically replicated over multiple servers.
  • Data is automatically partitioned so each server contains only a subset of the total data
  • Server failure is handled transparently
  • Pluggable serialization is supported to allow rich keys and values including lists and tuples with named fields, as well as to integrate with common serialization frameworks like Protocol Buffers, Thrift, and Java Serialization
  • Data items are versioned to maximize data integrity in failure scenarios without compromising availability of the system
  • Each node is independent of other nodes with no central point of failure or coordination
  • Good single node performance: you can expect 10-20k operations per second depending on the machines, the network, the disk system, and the data replication factor
  • Support for pluggable data placement strategies to support things like distribution across data centers that are geographically far apart.

It is used at LinkedIn for certain high-scalability storage problems where simple functional partitioning is not sufficient. It is still a new system which has rough edges, bad error messages, and probably plenty of uncaught bugs. Let us know if you find one of these, so we can fix it.

Jspresso : A new framework for easily building rich Internet applications

Jspresso is a new framework for easily building rich Internet applications. It dramatically reduces the development cycles needed to get your corporate application up and running while not sacrificing quality, robustness, and performance. It is not just another Web application framework, but offer the exact same ergonomics as desktop applications while keeping an N-tier, server-centric architecture on a Java backend. Applications can be deployed either in Adobe's Flex, Ajax WingS, Canoo ULC, or Swing and all on the same codebase without a single specific line of GUI code.
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java, Flex

aTunes : A full-featured audio player and manager

aTunes is a full-featured audio player and manager. It currently plays MP3, Ogg, wma, wav, FLAC, MP4, and radio streams allowing users to easily edit tags, organize music, and rip audio CDs.
Licenses : GPL
Operating Systems : POSIX, Linux, Windows
Implementation : Java

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Instrument Element is a Grid/Cloud componen

The Instrument Element is a Grid/Cloud component that provides the computational/data Grid with an abstraction of real instruments and provides users with a more interactive interface to control them.
  • Licenses : BSD Original
  • Operating Systems : Unix, Windows, Windows, Mac OS X
  • Implementation : Java

Thursday, June 17, 2010

KonaKart : An eCommerce and shopping cart application that provides everything that store owners need to sell their products over the Internet

KonaKart is an eCommerce and shopping cart application that provides everything that store owners need to sell their products over the Internet. KonaKart includes an extensive set of online shopping cart features to satisfy the needs of both online shoppers and store owners alike. It is an affordable enterprise quality eCommerce solution designed with technologies that will perform and scale. KonaKart is database-compatible with osCommerce, providing a seamless upgrade path. KonaKart has an easy-to-use Java API and a SOAP Web Service interface.
  • Licenses : Freeware
  • Operating Systems : Unix, POSIX, Linux, Windows
  • Implementation : Java

DAC (Dynamic Agent Computations) : A novel software framework designed for implementing multi-agent systems that describe parallel computations

DAC (Dynamic Agent Computations) is a novel software framework designed for implementing multi-agent systems that describe parallel computations. The whole system is easy to configure and extend, but also very efficient and scalable. Moreover, the technology that is used (JMS, Cajo, JMX) ensures high reliability of the framework, which can be used in a production environment.
  • Licenses : LGPL, GPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : JMS, JMX, Spring Framework, RMI, CAJO, Java

LogicalDOC : A Web-based document management system that is easy to use and learn

LogicalDOC is a Web-based document management system that is easy to use and learn. Its architecture leverages best-of-breed Java technology to achieve a powerful and flexible solution. It supports its users with a powerful search engine (Lucene), Web service interface (JAX-WS via CXF) compatible with .NET and PHP, versioning, a discussion forum, a WebDAV interface, importing and exporting from .zip files, and importing of documents from mailbox. Documents can be organized into hierarchical folders, searched using the integrated search engine, or browsed by Tag. The system is extensible thanks to the technologies used (Spring-Hibernate) and its plugin architecture.
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent, Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
  • Implementation : Java

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Client-side GChart : A pure-GWT client-side charting solution

Client-side GChart is a pure-GWT client-side charting solution. It does not require browser plugins, external JavaScript, or server round-trips. The package supports bar, line, and pie charts, custom ticks, left and right y axes, grid-lines, annotated data points, pop-ups, click events, and more.
  • Licenses : Apache 2.0
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

TomP2P : A P2P-based high performance key-value pair storage librar

TomP2P is a P2P-based high performance key-value pair storage library. Each peer has a table (either disk-based or memory-based) to store its values. A single value can be queried or updated with a secondary key. The underlying communication framework uses Java NIO to handle many concurrent connections.
  • Licenses : Apache 2.0
  • Operating Systems : any Java
  • Implementation : Java 5+

Sunday, May 23, 2010

OBSearch : A distributed similarity search index

OBSearch is a distributed similarity search index. It can (for example) match programs and help to detect Open Source/Libre license violations, find music that sounds like Sisters of Mercy, or match huge vectors of randomly generated integers just for fun.
  • Implementation : Java

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Terrastore : A modern document stor

Terrastore is a modern document store which provides advanced scalability and elasticity features without sacrificing consistency.
  • Licenses : Apache 2.0
  • Operating Systems : Platform Independent
  • Implementation : Java 6, terracotta, http, JSON

DirSync Pro : A powerful, easy-to-configure tool to synchronize the contents of one directory with another

Directory Synchronize is a powerful, easy-to-configure tool to synchronize the contents of one directory with another. It can compare files by various attributes, such as size or modified-date. It can synchronize an unlimited number of directories, and has a detailed logging function.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : Windows, OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Thursday, May 20, 2010

jHepWork : A full-featured multi-platform data analysis framework for scientists, engineers, and students

jHepWork is a full-featured multi-platform data analysis framework for scientists, engineers, and students. All numerical and graphical libraries written in Java are fully integrated with Jython. jHepWork comes with a Python/Jython shell and a friendly IDE with a code assist.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : Platform Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The OpenGeo Suite : An integrated package of open source geospatial software providing an easy to install Web-mapping and data sharing solution

The OpenGeo Suite is an integrated package of best of breed open source geospatial software providing an easy to install Web-mapping and data sharing solution. It consists of several components. GeoServer is a map and feature server providing standardized Web access to underlying GIS data sources and cartographic quality maps. GeoWebCache is a Web map accelerator, intelligently caching and serving tiles to make maps scale. Styler provides Web styling of maps, built on OpenLayers and GeoExt. GeoExplorer is a pure Javascript map composition application built on OpenLayers and Geoext. Dashboard is a cross-platform desktop application to access all the components. There are samples of Javascript functionality to build custom Web applications.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : Linux, Mac OS X, Windows
  • Implementation : Java, JavaScript, j2ee, Spring Framework, GeoServer, GeoWebCache, OpenLayers, Geotools, itext, Acegi, Restlet, JAI, h2 database, Titanium

JWIM : A JavaScript window manager that allows programmers to load independent modules inside Web applications

JWIM is a JavaScript window manager that allows programmers to load independent modules inside Web applications. It is totally AJAX based and does not make use of inner frames. Any module acts as an independent page, so it can display HTML, run JavaScript code, get access to HTML elements (in the same manner as document.getElementById does), and can be loaded multiple times. To achieve those features, modules have their own scope to store data and to run code. Modules can be loaded inside dynamically generated divs that behave like windows, or attached to HTML elements to build static layouts. Jwim is primarily intended to split large AJAX applications into small files that are loaded dynamically and run in an isolated environment.
  • Licenses : MIT
  • Implementation : JavaScript, AJAX, CSS, HTML

Hudson monitors executions of repeated jobs, such as building a software project or jobs run by cron

Hudson monitors executions of repeated jobs, such as building a software project or jobs run by cron. Among those things, current Hudson focuses on the following two jobs:
  1. Building/testing software projects continuously, just like CruiseControl or DamageControl. In a nutshell, Hudson provides an easy-to-use so-called continuous integration system, making it easier for developers to integrate changes to the project, and making it easier for users to obtain a fresh build. The automated, continuous build increases the productivity.
  2. Monitoring executions of externally-run jobs, such as cron jobs and procmail jobs, even those that are run on a remote machine. For example, with cron, all you receive is regular e-mails that capture the output, and it is up to you to look at them diligently and notice when it broke. Hudson keeps those outputs and makes it easy for you to notice when something is wrong.

Vis/Space : A client-server system for visually exploring data structures in 3D virtual space

Vis/Space is a client-server system for visually exploring data structures in 3D virtual space. It allows the placement of various data sources in a three-dimensional environment. Custom search terms can be entered into a query field, or can be navigated to and from an existing object. All objects like images and "text screens" can be moved around. A single click on an image shows the full-resolution version in the foreground. Whole collections of images can be moved. A click to the cube also toggles among several different possible layouts. Data sources include search engines, microblogging, Wikipedia, image/video search, and 4chan.
  • Licenses : Creative Commons
  • Operating Systems : Unix, Mac OS X, Linux, Windows
  • Implementation : Java

WaveMaker automates the development of Java Web applications

WaveMaker automates the development of Java Web applications. WaveMaker studio imports a DB schema, then automatically generates full Hibernate mapping and queries for CRUD operations. For each table, it creates a custom Dojo widget to implement grid and form capabilities. It generates standard Java Eclipse projects and WAR files that can run in any Java server. WaveMaker-generated apps are under the Apache license.
  • Licenses : Apache 2.0
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java, JavaScript, Dojo, Acegi, hibernate, spring, JaxWS, Sun JDK

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

OpenGrok : A fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine

OpenGrok is a fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine. It helps you search, cross-reference, and navigate your source tree. It can understand various program file formats and version control histories like Mercurial, Bazaar, Git, ClearCase, Perforce, SCCS, RCS, CVS, or Subversion. In other words, it lets you grok (profoundly understand) the source.
  • Licenses : CDDL
  • Implementation : Java

Xinha : A cross browser, cross platform Embedded WYSIWYG HTML Editor

Xinha is a cross browser, cross platform Embedded WYSIWYG HTML Editor. Although it was originally a stop-gap version of the htmlArea Version 3.0rc1 editor during a period of inactivity in that project, it is now a fully fledged fork. Xinha includes a number of bugfixes and many enhancements over htmlArea, and is in active development by a small and growing number of developers.
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : JavaScript, Perl, PHP

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sid : A lightweight JavaScript library that allows one to include JavaScript scripts and CSS stylesheets on demand

Sid is a lightweight JavaScript library that allows one to include JavaScript scripts and CSS stylesheets on demand.
  • Licenses : BSD License
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : JavaScript

Friday, May 07, 2010

[fleXive] CMS : A Java EE content management system based on JavaServer Faces

[fleXive] CMS is a Java EE content management system based on JavaServer Faces 1.2. It combines the power of JSF XHTML templating with that of the Java EE 5 content repository, [fleXive]. Some highlights include dynamic JSF templating (Facelets), easy integration of custom logic with EJB or JSF beans, a modular structure, Maven support, generic data structures, and WebDAV and CMIS support. It incorporates all core [fleXive] features like security, versioning, multilinguism, and scripting.
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java, Groovy, JavaScript, SQL, jsf

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Vosao CMS : A CMS for Google App Engine

Vosao CMS is a CMS for Google App Engine. It features hierarchical page content with parent/child relationships, friendly URLs, CKeditor 3.0 integration with uploading and a file browser, custom design templates for pages with per-page template binding, a global site configuration panel, resource management (images, CSS, JavaScript, etc.), site import/export (content and all resources), feedback forms, a text resource file editor with the ability to create files, a CAPTCHA service, support for comments on pages with email notification and moderation, SEO URLs and a redirect table for indexed links, multi-language content support, localized message bundles, and user browser language auto selection.
  • Licenses : GPLv2
  • Implementation : Java, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS, XHTML

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

XNotesNG : The next generation of XNotesPlus, a full-featured personal information manager

XNotesNG is the next generation of XNotesPlus, a full-featured personal information manager. It is plugin driven and includes a Todo Manager, Calendar Manager, Category Manager, and extensive notes system, including features such as text searching, printing, alarms, date and calendar inserts, and categorization by colored projects.
  • Licenses : MIT/X
  • Operating Systems: Linux (32 and 64 bit)
  • Implementation : Java, SWT, JPF, Ant

Monday, April 26, 2010

Endeavour Software Project Management : A rich Web-based solution to manage the creation of large-scale enterprise systems in an iterative and increm

Endeavour Software Project Management is a rich Web-based solution to manage the creation of large-scale enterprise systems in an iterative and incremental development process. It features support for Use Case management, iterations, project plan, change requests, defect tracking, test cases, tasks, document management, and many other process artifacts.
  • Licenses : GPLv3
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java EE, AJAX

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Guacamole : An implementation of VNC purely in HTML and JavaScript (AJAX)

Guacamole is an implementation of VNC purely in HTML and JavaScript (AJAX). The current version is almost as responsive as a native VNC client, has full keyboard and mouse support, and should work in any browser supporting the HTML5 canvas tag.
  • Licenses : Affero GPLv3
  • Operating Systems : Cross Platform, OS Independent
  • Implementation : HTML5, AJAX, JavaScript, VNC, Java

jQuery.Syntax : An extremely fast and lightweight syntax highlighter

jQuery.Syntax is an extremely fast and lightweight syntax highlighter. It has dynamic loading of syntax source files and integrates cleanly using CSS or modelines. Plugins are available for DokuWiki and WordPress.
  • Licenses : Affero GPLv3
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : JavaScript

Thursday, April 22, 2010

LeanPM : Project management software

LeanPM is project management software. It lets development teams manage their clients' requests and how those are mapped to features in their projects, the project items and their states as configured in the Kanban, the products and versions to which those features are attached, and the actuals to track how much time was spent by each member of the project on those features or recurrent activities. LeanPM will also provide you a comprehensive view on you project, your products, and the evolution of all of those.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : JBoss SEAM, postgresql

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

DocSearcher : A search tool for indexing and searching files on a personal computer

DocSearcher is a search tool for indexing and searching files on a personal computer. It uses APIs to provide search functionality for common document formats. It currently supports Word, Excel, PDF, OpenOffice/StarOffice, RTF, Text, and HTML.
  • Licenses : GPLv2
  • Operating Systems : Java
  • Implementation : POI, PDFBOX, Java, Lucene

Monday, April 19, 2010

BaseX is a fast and compact XML database and efficient XPath/XQuery processor. It includes support for the latest W3C Full Text and Update Recommendations. It supports very large XML instances and offers a highly interactive frontend.
  • Licenses : BSD Original
  • Operating Systems : Mac OS X, Unix, Windows
  • Implementation : Java

Fast MD5 Implementation in Java is a heavily optimized implementation of the MD5 hashing algorithm written in Java

Fast MD5 Implementation in Java is a heavily optimized implementation of the MD5 hashing algorithm written in Java. It includes an optional native method for even greater speed improvements.
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Operating Systems : Mac OS X, Windows,OS Independent, POSIX, Linux
  • Implementation : C, Java

Thursday, April 15, 2010

TPM/J : An object-oriented API using Java for low-level access to the TPM

TPM/J is an object-oriented API using Java for low-level access to the TPM. It was developed as part of the research project on Trusted Computing at MIT.
  • Operating System : OS X, Linux, WinXP
  • License : BSD License
  • Programming Language : Java

infoScoop OpenSource : A flexible portal framework support for OpenSocialAPI

infoScoop OpenSource is a flexible portal framework support for OpenSocialAPI. It is an information portal that evolves according your personal work style. This portal provides important information for individuals from business systems. It implements free arrangement of information and fits to the individual's information processing skill and work style.
  • Licenses : LGPLv3
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java, AJAX, JavaScript

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Memonaut : An application to make and organize notes

Memonaut is an application to make and organize notes. It allows you to move, indent, and structure your notes easily. It runs in a Web browser and can be run offline. It supports multilevel notes for threaded discussions. You can create new notebooks and save them. It has full keyboard support.
  • Licenses : BSD Revised
  • Operating Systems : Linux, Windows
  • Implementation : HTML, AJAX, JavaScript

elRTE : A WYSIWYG HTML editor and file manager for the Web written using jQuery

elRTE is a WYSIWYG HTML editor and file manager for the Web written using jQuery. It features rich text editing, options for changing its appearance and style, insertion and management of various HTML elements with formatting (images, tables, lists, etc.), support for viewing and editing HTML code, and normal and full-screen modes.
  • Licenses : BSD Original
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : JavaScript, XHTML, AJAX

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sight : A Java Web framework build on top of the J2EE technologies and particularly on top of the servlet API

Sight is a Java Web framework build on top of the J2EE technologies and particularly on top of the servlet API. It has been created to be deployed on Google App Engine and can be run in a J2EE servlet container such as Tomcat.
  • Licenses : Apache 2.0
  • Operating Systems : all with Java 1.5 support
  • Implementation Java j2ee

BAR : Backup archiver program to create compressed and encrypted archives of files

BAR is backup archiver program to create compressed and encrypted archives of files that can be stored on a hard disk, CD, DVD, or directly on a server via FTP, SCP, or SFTP. A server mode and a scheduler are integrated for making automated backups in the background. A graphical front end that can connect to the (remote) server is included.
  • Licenses : GPLv2
  • Operating Systems : Unix
  • Implementation : Java, C

Friday, March 19, 2010

Ample SDK : A standards-based cross-browser JavaScript GUI framework for building Rich Internet Applications running in a Web browser

Ample SDK is a standards-based cross-browser JavaScript GUI framework for building Rich Internet Applications running in a Web browser. It employs XML technologies (such as XUL, SVG, and HTML5) for UI layout, CSS for UI style, and JavaScript for application logic client-side. Ample SDK equalizes browsers and brings technology support to those missing any. The componentization model built into the core of the framework allows prototyping existing UI elements and creating new ones.
  • Licenses : GPL, MIT/X
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : JavaScript, HTML, CSS, VML, SVG, AJAX

Opina : A Web management tool for poll management

Opina is a Web management tool for poll management. The application is designed so that any user is able to create questionnaires, publish them to obtain responses, and process results afterwards.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Bonita Open Solution : An intuitive and powerful Business Process Management (BM) solutio

Bonita Open Solution is an intuitive and powerful Business Process Management (BM) solution to create process-based applications for simple-to-complex projects
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : Windows POSIX Linux
  • Implementation : Java

epub2pdf : A command-line tool that quickly generates PDF files from EPUB ebooks

epub2pdf is a command-line tool that quickly generates PDF files from EPUB ebooks. It allows the user to specify page size, fonts, margins, and default paragraph alignment.
  • Licenses : GPLv3
  • Operating Systems : Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
  • Implementation : Java, XML, itext

Monday, March 08, 2010

The Coldtags suite : A collection of custom JSP tags that provides 300+ custom JSP tags for common programming tasks faced by JSP developers

The Coldtags suite is a collection of custom JSP tags that provides 300+ custom JSP tags for common programming tasks faced by JSP developers. It also includes custom tags similar to the Web controls in the .NET framework.
  • Implementation : Java

Wiki on a Stick (WOAS) : A personal wiki that lives in one self-modifying XHTML file

"Wiki on a Stick" is a personal wiki that lives in one self-modifying XHTML file; very useful for organizing your notes, supports AES encryption, embedding and much more! It can also be used as a Javascript programming environment.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : JavaScript

Thursday, March 04, 2010

DbWrench : multi-vendor, multi-platform database design and synchronization software

DbWrench is multi-vendor, multi-platform database design and synchronization software. Features include a syntax highlighting SQL query editor, support for many of today's most popular databases, a graphic entity relation diagram (ERD) designer, and the ability to forward and reverse engineer databases. Its multi-vendor and multi-platform functionality makes it ideal for heterogeneous database environments.
  • Operating Systems : POSIX, Linux, Unix, Windows
  • Implementation : Java

Sight : A Java Web framework build on top of the J2EE technologies and particularly on top of the servlet API

Sight is a Java Web framework build on top of the J2EE technologies and particularly on top of the servlet API. It has been created to be deployed on Google App Engine and can be run in a J2EE servlet container such as Tomcat.
  • Licenses : Apache 2.0
  • Operating Systems : all with Java 1.5 support
  • Implementation : Java, j2ee

Monday, February 08, 2010

Jajuk : A multi-platform music organizer

Jajuk is a multi-platform music organizer. The main goal is to provide a fully-featured application to advanced users with large or scattered music collections. It supports most audio formats.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

fausterize : A minimized and simplified encrypting text editor

fausterize is a minimized and simplified encrypting text editor. The encryption algorithm uses one-time pads, i.e. arbitrary files as keys. These are easy to remember and secure.
  • Licenses : MPL1.1
  • Operating Systems : Linux, Windows, Unix, Mac OS X
  • Implementation : Java

Drbd : A block device which is designed to build high-availability clusters

Drbd is a block device which is designed to build high-availability clusters. This is done by mirroring a whole block device via a (dedicated) network. You could see it as a network raid 1.
Licenses : GPL

OpenMeetings : Multi-language customizable video-conferencing and collaboration system

OpenMeetings is a multi-language customizable video-conferencing and collaboration system. It supports audio/video and allows you to see the desktop of any participant. It includes a whiteboard, the ability to import a variety of image formats, invitations, a moderation system, backup and language modules, private and public conference rooms, and the ability to record meetings.
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java, spring, hibernate, MySQL, postgres, Red5, OpenLaszlo

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

PushToTest TestMaker : A distributed test automation platform for application performance management and monitoring

PushToTest TestMaker is a distributed test automation platform for application performance management and monitoring. It repurposes tests written in Selenium, soapUI, TestGen4Web, and Mozmill, and unit tests in Java, .NET, Jython, Groovy, PHP, Ruby, and Perl into functional tests, load and performance tests, and business service monitors. TestMaker is ideal for Web applications, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) applications, Rich Internet Application (RIA using Ajax, Flex, Flash) and Business Process Management (BPM) applications.
  • Licenses : GPLv2
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java Python
Directory Synchronize is a powerful, easy-to-configure tool to synchronize the contents of one directory with another. It can compare files by various attributes, such as size or modified-date. It can synchronize an unlimited number of directories, and has a detailed logging function.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : Windows, OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Saturday, January 30, 2010

CloverETL : Java-based tool/framework for data integration and creation of data transformations

CloverETL is Java-based tool/framework for data integration and creation of data transformations. It is component based and follows the concept of transformation graphs which consist of individual nodes/components performing simple (or complex) operations on data. Any transformation can be defined as a set of interconnected nodes through which data flows. CloverETL can be used as a standalone application or be embedded into a larger project.
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lampiro brings XMPP and GTalk to your mobile phone, letting you connect and chat with your friends everywhere

Lampiro brings XMPP and GTalk to your mobile phone, letting you connect and chat with your friends everywhere. With the help of gateway services, Lampiro can connect you with your friends that use MSN/Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, and ICQ. Lampiro uses the most advanced features that XMPP offers, allowing you to interact easily and effectively with remote services.
  • Licenses : GPLv2
  • Implementation : Java, J2ME

Jease : An open-source framework to ease the widespread pains developing content- & database-driven web-applications with Java

Out of the box Jease provides a fully Ajax-driven Content-Management-System as a best-practice-showcase which can easily be tailored to your specific requirements.

Jease is built on top of the most advanced open-source technologies existing in the Java-community:

  • db4o, NeoDatis or Perst as object-oriented persistence engines.
  • Lucene as high performance indexing and search technology.
  • ZK as component- & event-driven Ajax-Web-Framework.

Jease glues these technologies together to provide an outstanding productive development expierence by combining the safety and ide-/compiler-support of Java with the turn-around-times of scripting languages.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

wiki2xhtml can create complete Web pages and uses a clean XHTML syntax

wiki2xhtml can create complete Web pages and uses a clean XHTML syntax. It can insert galleries, a menu, a footer, and nearly all elements you know from the Wikipedia. The pages are formatted with CSS. All designs can be adjusted by hand, and custom ones can be used as well. wiki2xhtml generates the HTML pages from simple text files in the MediaWiki syntax. You can also use own (X)HTML code or other script languages inside; there are no restrictions. The GUI is composed of a Code Paste Window where you can insert wiki code that will be generated live. A click into the result, the XHTML code, copies it into the clipboard.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

PDF Split and Merge (pdfsam) : An easy-to-use tool that provides functions to split and merge PDF files

PDF Split and Merge (pdfsam) is an easy-to-use tool that provides functions to split and merge PDF files or subsections of them.
  • Licenses : GPLv2
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java, Swing

Thursday, January 07, 2010

calibre2opds : Generates OPDS and HTML catalogs from the Calibre ebooks database

Generates OPDS and HTML catalogs from the Calibre ebooks database.

If you manage your eBooks collection with Calibre, calibre2opds will allow you to generate an OPDS compatible XML catalog (Stanza and Aldiko use this standard), complete with cross-references, and external links to interesting web pages about your books.

In addition, an HTML version of your catalog can also be generated, allowing access from any browser-based ebook reader (e.g. a netbook with Firefox and ePubReader)

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

LeanPM : project management software

LeanPM is project management software. It lets development teams manage their clients' requests and how those are mapped to features in their projects, the project items and their states as configured in the Kanban, the products and versions to which those features are attached, and the actuals to track how much time was spent by each member of the project on those features or recurrent activities. LeanPM will also provide you a comprehensive view on you project, your products, and the evolution of all of those.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : JBoss SEAM, postgresql

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

jsapigen generates glue code for embedding Mozilla's JavaScript engine (SpiderMonkey) into C applications

jsapigen generates glue code for embedding Mozilla's JavaScript engine (SpiderMonkey) into C applications. It uses a simple interface definition language to describe the connection between native C code and the JavaScript engine. This description is converted into C code, which can be compiled into an application.
  • Licenses : GPLv3
  • Operating Systems : POSIX
  • Implementation : JavaScript, C

WAJAF : A JavaScript framework

WAJAF is a JavaScript framework that works on the client side (i.e. the Web browser), and lets you build complete applications without programming a single line of HTML or JavaScript.
  • Licenses : GPLv3
  • Operating Systems : Windows, Unix, Mac OS X
  • Implementation : JavaScript, XML, JSON

Ujorm : An easy-to-use, quick ORM solution for Java with a small footprint

Ujorm is an easy-to-use, quick ORM solution for Java with a small footprint. Some of its features are type safe parameters in queries, relation mapping by Java code rather through proxy objects or entity states, and a memory overloading protection cache.
  • Licenses : Apache 2.0
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java 5

UJO Framework offers a special architecture of beans different from conventional JavaBeans

UJO Framework offers a special architecture of beans different from conventional JavaBeans. The useful features are XML persistence of an object tree, simple introspection, easy collaboration with Swing tables, and very light weight.
  • Licenses : Apache 2.0
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation :

Shared Questionnaire System (SQS) is an integrated optical mark recognition (OMR) form processing system with straightforward GUIs. It is aimed at developing social platforms to share knowledge about questionnaires based on XML standards. You can use SQS easily. SQS applications are implemented in Java, XSLT, and JavaScript. You can install and launch them easily from your Web browser with Java Web Start. It lets you use plain paper and general purpose document scanners for OMR form processing.
  • Licenses : Apache 2.0
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java, JavaScript, XSLT