Sunday, May 23, 2010

OBSearch : A distributed similarity search index

OBSearch is a distributed similarity search index. It can (for example) match programs and help to detect Open Source/Libre license violations, find music that sounds like Sisters of Mercy, or match huge vectors of randomly generated integers just for fun.
  • Implementation : Java

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Terrastore : A modern document stor

Terrastore is a modern document store which provides advanced scalability and elasticity features without sacrificing consistency.
  • Licenses : Apache 2.0
  • Operating Systems : Platform Independent
  • Implementation : Java 6, terracotta, http, JSON

DirSync Pro : A powerful, easy-to-configure tool to synchronize the contents of one directory with another

Directory Synchronize is a powerful, easy-to-configure tool to synchronize the contents of one directory with another. It can compare files by various attributes, such as size or modified-date. It can synchronize an unlimited number of directories, and has a detailed logging function.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : Windows, OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Thursday, May 20, 2010

jHepWork : A full-featured multi-platform data analysis framework for scientists, engineers, and students

jHepWork is a full-featured multi-platform data analysis framework for scientists, engineers, and students. All numerical and graphical libraries written in Java are fully integrated with Jython. jHepWork comes with a Python/Jython shell and a friendly IDE with a code assist.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : Platform Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The OpenGeo Suite : An integrated package of open source geospatial software providing an easy to install Web-mapping and data sharing solution

The OpenGeo Suite is an integrated package of best of breed open source geospatial software providing an easy to install Web-mapping and data sharing solution. It consists of several components. GeoServer is a map and feature server providing standardized Web access to underlying GIS data sources and cartographic quality maps. GeoWebCache is a Web map accelerator, intelligently caching and serving tiles to make maps scale. Styler provides Web styling of maps, built on OpenLayers and GeoExt. GeoExplorer is a pure Javascript map composition application built on OpenLayers and Geoext. Dashboard is a cross-platform desktop application to access all the components. There are samples of Javascript functionality to build custom Web applications.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : Linux, Mac OS X, Windows
  • Implementation : Java, JavaScript, j2ee, Spring Framework, GeoServer, GeoWebCache, OpenLayers, Geotools, itext, Acegi, Restlet, JAI, h2 database, Titanium

JWIM : A JavaScript window manager that allows programmers to load independent modules inside Web applications

JWIM is a JavaScript window manager that allows programmers to load independent modules inside Web applications. It is totally AJAX based and does not make use of inner frames. Any module acts as an independent page, so it can display HTML, run JavaScript code, get access to HTML elements (in the same manner as document.getElementById does), and can be loaded multiple times. To achieve those features, modules have their own scope to store data and to run code. Modules can be loaded inside dynamically generated divs that behave like windows, or attached to HTML elements to build static layouts. Jwim is primarily intended to split large AJAX applications into small files that are loaded dynamically and run in an isolated environment.
  • Licenses : MIT
  • Implementation : JavaScript, AJAX, CSS, HTML

Hudson monitors executions of repeated jobs, such as building a software project or jobs run by cron

Hudson monitors executions of repeated jobs, such as building a software project or jobs run by cron. Among those things, current Hudson focuses on the following two jobs:
  1. Building/testing software projects continuously, just like CruiseControl or DamageControl. In a nutshell, Hudson provides an easy-to-use so-called continuous integration system, making it easier for developers to integrate changes to the project, and making it easier for users to obtain a fresh build. The automated, continuous build increases the productivity.
  2. Monitoring executions of externally-run jobs, such as cron jobs and procmail jobs, even those that are run on a remote machine. For example, with cron, all you receive is regular e-mails that capture the output, and it is up to you to look at them diligently and notice when it broke. Hudson keeps those outputs and makes it easy for you to notice when something is wrong.

Vis/Space : A client-server system for visually exploring data structures in 3D virtual space

Vis/Space is a client-server system for visually exploring data structures in 3D virtual space. It allows the placement of various data sources in a three-dimensional environment. Custom search terms can be entered into a query field, or can be navigated to and from an existing object. All objects like images and "text screens" can be moved around. A single click on an image shows the full-resolution version in the foreground. Whole collections of images can be moved. A click to the cube also toggles among several different possible layouts. Data sources include search engines, microblogging, Wikipedia, image/video search, and 4chan.
  • Licenses : Creative Commons
  • Operating Systems : Unix, Mac OS X, Linux, Windows
  • Implementation : Java

WaveMaker automates the development of Java Web applications

WaveMaker automates the development of Java Web applications. WaveMaker studio imports a DB schema, then automatically generates full Hibernate mapping and queries for CRUD operations. For each table, it creates a custom Dojo widget to implement grid and form capabilities. It generates standard Java Eclipse projects and WAR files that can run in any Java server. WaveMaker-generated apps are under the Apache license.
  • Licenses : Apache 2.0
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java, JavaScript, Dojo, Acegi, hibernate, spring, JaxWS, Sun JDK

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

OpenGrok : A fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine

OpenGrok is a fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine. It helps you search, cross-reference, and navigate your source tree. It can understand various program file formats and version control histories like Mercurial, Bazaar, Git, ClearCase, Perforce, SCCS, RCS, CVS, or Subversion. In other words, it lets you grok (profoundly understand) the source.
  • Licenses : CDDL
  • Implementation : Java

Xinha : A cross browser, cross platform Embedded WYSIWYG HTML Editor

Xinha is a cross browser, cross platform Embedded WYSIWYG HTML Editor. Although it was originally a stop-gap version of the htmlArea Version 3.0rc1 editor during a period of inactivity in that project, it is now a fully fledged fork. Xinha includes a number of bugfixes and many enhancements over htmlArea, and is in active development by a small and growing number of developers.
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : JavaScript, Perl, PHP

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sid : A lightweight JavaScript library that allows one to include JavaScript scripts and CSS stylesheets on demand

Sid is a lightweight JavaScript library that allows one to include JavaScript scripts and CSS stylesheets on demand.
  • Licenses : BSD License
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : JavaScript

Friday, May 07, 2010

[fleXive] CMS : A Java EE content management system based on JavaServer Faces

[fleXive] CMS is a Java EE content management system based on JavaServer Faces 1.2. It combines the power of JSF XHTML templating with that of the Java EE 5 content repository, [fleXive]. Some highlights include dynamic JSF templating (Facelets), easy integration of custom logic with EJB or JSF beans, a modular structure, Maven support, generic data structures, and WebDAV and CMIS support. It incorporates all core [fleXive] features like security, versioning, multilinguism, and scripting.
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java, Groovy, JavaScript, SQL, jsf

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Vosao CMS : A CMS for Google App Engine

Vosao CMS is a CMS for Google App Engine. It features hierarchical page content with parent/child relationships, friendly URLs, CKeditor 3.0 integration with uploading and a file browser, custom design templates for pages with per-page template binding, a global site configuration panel, resource management (images, CSS, JavaScript, etc.), site import/export (content and all resources), feedback forms, a text resource file editor with the ability to create files, a CAPTCHA service, support for comments on pages with email notification and moderation, SEO URLs and a redirect table for indexed links, multi-language content support, localized message bundles, and user browser language auto selection.
  • Licenses : GPLv2
  • Implementation : Java, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS, XHTML