Monday, October 26, 2009

WidgetFX is a fully functional docking system for desktop widgets with support for translucency, shaped windows, resizing, configuration, and one-click installation. WidgetFX is written in JavaFX Script, and can be run on any platform where Java is supported.
  • Licenses : GPLv3
  • Operating Systems : POSIX, Solaris, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows
  • Implementation : Java

UCDetector (Unecessary Code Detector) : An Eclipse plugin tool that finds unnecessary (dead) public Java code

UCDetector (Unecessary Code Detector) is an Eclipse plugin tool that finds unnecessary (dead) public Java code. It suggests that you make the code final, protected, or private. UCDetector also finds cyclic dependencies between classes.
  • Licenses : EPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java Eclipse

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bonita : A lightweight BPM product that runs on the Standard (JSE) and Enterprise (JEE) Java platforms

Bonita is a lightweight BPM product that runs on the Standard (JSE) and Enterprise (JEE) Java platforms. Bonita provides an integrated graphical environment for BPM development and execution environments, and comprises three modules: a runtime, a runtime, and a designer. The runtime allows processes to be deployed, executed, and monitored through a rich API that provides BPM services. The console is a graphical Web-based interface. The designer is a BPM development environment that allows graphical definition of processes, as well as BPM connectors for integration with an existing system.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : Windows POSIX Linux
  • Implementation : Java

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Big Faceless Graph Library : A Java class library for creating graphs and charts

The Big Faceless Graph Library is a Java class library for creating graphs and charts. It is backed by a full 3D engine, allowing you to create shaded 3D pie, bar, and line graphs as GIF, PDF, PNG, or other image formats. Its features include transparent backgrounds, extensible axes to graph dates, currencies, custom fonts, and spline curve fitting. It is small, fast, and easy to use.
  • Implementation: Java

JAMWiki is a Java-based Wiki engine. It features Java servlet 2.4 and Java 5+ compatibility, offers many of the features of MediaWiki, provides quick and easy setup, is integrated with the Spring Framework and Spring Security, and supports running either with or without an external database.
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sustainable IDE (SIDE) : A set of graphical tools for developers who want to build sustainable software

Sustainable IDE (SIDE) is a set of graphical tools for developers who want to build sustainable software. Sustainable software is software you can extend easily, from a functional or technological point of view. On one hand, this means that when a user has a new requirement, it's easy for any developer to add it, even if the original author is not there anymore. On another hand, if you want to change the underlying technologies, you don't need to rewrite your existing application from scratch. Sustainable Software gives you the freedom to change technology, requirements, or achitecture. This can be achieved thanks to the use of models in a model driven software development (MDSD) paradigm.
  • Licenses : GPL v3
  • Operating Systems : Java
  • Implementation : Alfresco, Chiba, XForms, Liferay, Java

SafiServer : An engine that powers the applications called Saflets that control one or more Asterisk PBXs

SafiServer is an engine that powers the applications called Saflets that control one or more Asterisk PBXs. These can be used for IVR applications such as information, account management, nearest dealer routing, and more. It also acts as an application repository for multi-developer environments.
  • Licenses : GPLv3
  • Operating Systems : Windows, Linux
  • Implementation : Java
  • Translations : English

HBCI4Java : A Java library for the HBCI home banking interface

HBCI4Java is a Java library for the HBCI home banking interface. It supports almost all aspect of the HBCI versions 2.01, 2.1, 2.2, HBCI+ and FinTS-3.0 (with PIN/TAN support). Its API is very application-oriented, so no knowledge about HBCI is required. The HBCI client package can be used to develop applications using HBCI features. The HBCI server package can be used to develop your own HBCI servers. This may be useful for credit institutes or software developers who want to setup their own HBCI test server.
  • Licenses : Other GPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent, Windows, POSIX, Linux, Solaris
  • Implementation : Java

Thursday, October 15, 2009

ICeHRM : A free and open source web based Human Resource Management system

ICeHRM is a free and open source web based Human Resource Management system developed targeting small and medium sized companies to restructure their HRM process around it.

With a rich AJAX user interface, ICeHRM gives the user an experience similar to using a desktop application.

Features include:

  • Administration
    • Define: departments, job titles, pay grades, education information and other master data
  • Employee Information management - contains information about employee
  • Leave Management - allows HR Managers to define leave types, leave quota for each employee, working days and special holidays
  • Attendance and Time Tracking - allows HR Managers and Supervisors to monitor punch in/out times for employees and manage timesheets. Employees can use this module to submit daily punch in/out times and timesheets
  • Timesheet submission
  • Punch In/Out time submission
  • Store project and customer information
  • Store employee pictures
  • Automated installation
System Requirements : MySql 1.5, Tomcat 5.5.x or 6.x, Java Runtime Enviroment 1.5
License : GNU GPL v3

Open Applicant : A powerful Applicant Tracking and Candidate Assessment tool available to the public

Open Applicant is a powerful Applicant Tracking and Candidate Assessment tool available to the public. Through its developer community, Open Applicant is able to bring a wide variety of features and capabilities to Human Resource Professionals and Hiring Managers to make the recruiting and hiring process easy and effective.

Open Applicant was built with the user in mind, so each feature, icon, and navigation has been specifically designed to not only improve your candidate workflow, but also to ease the stress that comes with being in human resources.

License : GNU GPL

System Requirements : Tomcat Application Server, MySQL database, Java Runtime Environment

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Generic Repository (grepo) is a framework for Java which allows you to access (database) repositories in a generic and consistent manner. Using grepo, it is generally no longer required to provide all the boilerplate code which is necessary in order to access (database) repositories from Java. All you have to do is write appropriate database code (queries, procedures, functions, etc.), an appropriately annotated Java interface, and very little Spring configuration.
  • Licenses : Apache 2.0
  • Implementation : Java

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Legion of the Bouncy Castle Java Cryptography API provides a lightweight cryptography API in Java

The Legion of the Bouncy Castle Java Cryptography API provides a lightweight cryptography API in Java, a provider for the JCE and JCA, a clean-room implementation of the JCE 1.2.1, generators for Version 1 and Version 3 X.509 certificates, generators for Version 2 X.509 attribute certificates, PKCS12 support, and APIs for dealing with S/MIME, CMS, OCSP, TSP, OpenPGP, and TLS. Versions are provided for the J2ME, and JDK 1.0-1.6.
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Opina : A Web management tool for poll management

Opina is a Web management tool for poll management. The application is designed so that any user is able to create questionnaires, publish them to obtain responses, and process results afterwards.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Neuroph : Lightweight Java Neural Network Framework that can be used to simulate common neural network architectures

Neuroph is lightweight Java Neural Network Framework that can be used to simulate common neural network architectures. With a small number of basic classes that correspond to basic NN concepts, it is easy to learn. It also has a nice GUI application.
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Thursday, October 08, 2009

PatientOS : An electronic medical record system (PMS and EHR or EMR) for a physician or clinics

PatientOS is an electronic medical record system (PMS and EHR or EMR) for a physician or clinics. It is designed to be expanded into a healthcare information system for a hospital. It is a distributed clinical system.
  • Licenses : GPLv3
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

ZXing : An open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Java

ZXing (pronounced "zebra crossing") is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Java. Our focus is on using the built-in camera on mobile phones to photograph and decode barcodes on the device, without communicating with a server. We currently have production-quality support for:
• UPC-A and UPC-E
• EAN-8 and EAN-13
• Code 39
• Code 128
• QR Code
• Data Matrix ('alpha' quality)
• PDF 417 ('alpha' quality)
DocBook Doclet creates DocBook XML and class diagrams from Javadoc comments, converts HTML to DocBook, and transfoms DocBook XML into various output formats. It consists of a complete DocBook distribution containing schemas and the DocBook XSL stylesheets. It also integrates Apache FOP as the XSL:FO processor. A Swing application is used to customize the doclet and most of the DocBook XSL parameters and to start the transformations.
  • Licenses : Freeware
  • Implementation : Java

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

RapidMiner (formerly YALE) : A flexible Java environment for knowledge discovery in databases, machine learning, and data mining

RapidMiner (formerly YALE) is a flexible Java environment for knowledge discovery in databases, machine learning, and data mining. Many nestable learning and preprocessing operators (including Weka) are provided. It features an XML-based graphical user interface, a plugin mechanism, and high-dimensional plotting, and provides an easy-to-use extension mechanism that makes it possible to integrate new operators and adapt the system to your personal requirements. A command line version is also included.
  • Licenses : AGPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent, Windows, Unix
  • Implementation : Java

Monday, October 05, 2009

goofs : Filesystem in userspace (FUSE) that aims to expose Google services

goofs is filesystem in userspace (FUSE) that aims to expose Google services such as Picasa images, contacts, blogs, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, calendars, etc. It is written using the Java binding for FUSE, FUSE-J, together with gdata-java-client.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : POSIX, Linux
  • Implementation : Java

Coldtags suite : suite is a collection of custom JSP tags that provides 300+ custom JSP tags for common programming tasks faced by JSP developers

The Coldtags suite is a collection of custom JSP tags that provides 300+ custom JSP tags for common programming tasks faced by JSP developers. It also includes custom tags similar to the Web controls in the .NET framework.
  • Implementation : Java

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Triage : A web-based help desk application written in Java using Hibernate and ZK libraries

Triage provides interfaces for handling tickets with notes and solutions, full-text search indexing, and allowing for plug-ins which can generate tickets from external sources (for example Asterisk, OpenNMS, Nagios, and e-mail). The initial development is being done on Linux, using the Eclipse development environment. The idea is that as a technician enters a new ticket, the application will present them with previous tickets/solutions which may be related and be able to present a quick answer. This way, knowledge is not lost and can be easily leveraged even with new personnel in the IT work force.

xslet : A collection of XSLT applets

xslet is a collection of XSLT applets. It includes "xslbook", which displays a book-style document in Web browsers without any other transformation tools, and "xslui", which displays Web pages with modularized XML files in Web browsers without any other transformation tools.
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : XSL/XSLT, JavaScript

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Jenner : A Web page templating system with a twist: it runs completely within a Web browser

Jenner is a Web page templating system with a twist: it runs completely within a Web browser. Templates are just normal Web pages with special syntax inside text nodes, attributes, or comments. Unlike other in-browser templating systems, Jenner does not require overloading of "class" attributes or invalid HTML; all Jenner templates are valid Web pages and the template expressions flow in a very natural way. Having the template engine in the Web browser instead of on the server takes a lot of load off of the server, and makes for a clean separation of presentation and content. Jenner is very powerful: it has the full power of the Esel expression language at its disposal. Templates can be rendered from JSON data, and can be re-rendered without a browser-to-server round trip.
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Indepedent
  • Implementation : HTML, JavaScript

Luke : A handy development and diagnostic tool for Apache Lucene

Luke is a handy development and diagnostic tool for Apache Lucene. It accesses existing Lucene indexes and allows you to display and modify their contents in several ways. A user can browse by document number or by term, view documents, copy them to the clipboard, retrieve a ranked list of the most frequent terms, execute a search and browse the results, analyze search results, selectively delete documents from the index, reconstruct the original document fields, edit them, and reinsert them into the index, optimize indexes, and much more. Luke can also be extended through plugins.
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java