Friday, August 28, 2009

OpenXava : A framework to develop AJAX JavaEE/J2EE applications rapidly and easily

OpenXava is a framework to develop AJAX JavaEE/J2EE applications rapidly and easily. It allows you to define applications only with POJOs, JPA, and Java 5 annotations. It is feature rich and flexible. It generates JSR-168 portlet applications (Liferay, WebSphere Portal, Jetspeed, etc.).
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

words : Software for improving your English vocabulary

words is software for improving your English vocabulary. It can useful when preparing for the GRE, GMAT, SAT, or any other vocabulary intensive examination.
  • Licenses : GPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Jython, Python, Java

Monday, August 24, 2009

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Jenner : A Web page templating system with a twist: it runs completely within a Web browser

Jenner is a Web page templating system with a twist: it runs completely within a Web browser. Templates are just normal Web pages with special syntax inside text nodes, attributes, or comments. Unlike other in-browser templating systems, Jenner does not require overloading of "class" attributes or invalid HTML; all Jenner templates are valid Web pages and the template expressions flow in a very natural way. Having the template engine in the Web browser instead of on the server takes a lot of load off of the server, and makes for a clean separation of presentation and content. Jenner is very powerful: it has the full power of the Esel expression language at its disposal. Templates can be rendered from JSON data, and can be re-rendered without a browser-to-server round trip.
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Indepedent
  • Implementation : HTML, JavaScript

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sonar enables you to collect, analyze, and report metrics on source code

Sonar enables you to collect, analyze, and report metrics on source code. Sonar not only offers consolidated reporting on and across projects throughout time, but a central place to manage code quality. With no complex infrastructure, Sonar fulfills needs in terms of code quality, whether it is to make an audit or implement a continuous improvement process.
  • Licenses : LGPLv3
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Report Runner : A lightweight, Java-based reporting and dashboard solution

Report Runner is a lightweight, Java-based reporting and dashboard solution. It supports scheduled invocation of reports, various output formats (PDF, XLS, HTML, RTF, etc.), report formating (via Jasper), chart and data grid based dashboards, and realtime operation. It allows administrators and power users to create reports for day-to-day users to run at their leisure or have delivered by various methods (email, FTP, SFTP, SMB, file system). The dashboard functionality allows administrators to create rich dashboards for their users using the Open Flash Chart library.
  • Licenses : GPLv3
  • Implementation : HTML, AJAX, Struts 2, Open Flash Charts, Jasper Reports, quartz, spring, hibernate, Display Tag, Java

Monday, August 17, 2009

DBSight : A J2EE search platform for instant scalable full-text search on any relational database, for both beginners and experts

DBSight is a J2EE search platform for instant scalable full-text search on any relational database, for both beginners and experts. It features a built-in database crawler that follows user-defined SQL, incremental indexing, configurable result ranking, highlighted search results (like Google), and categorized result counts (like Amazon). Scaffolding supports tag cloud, suggest-as-you-type, spell checker, and much more. It easily integrates with other languages through XML, JSON, and HTML. There is a UI for all operations, so no Java coding is necessary. Deleted or updated records in the database can be synchronized. Content outside the database can also be searched.
  • Licenses : Freeware
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation :

Netty project : An asynchronous, event-driven network application framework and tools

The Netty project is an effort to provide an asynchronous, event-driven network application framework and tools for rapid development of maintainable, high-performance, high-scalability protocol servers and clients. In other words, Netty is a NIO client server framework that enables quick and easy development of network applications such as protocol servers and clients. It simplifies and streamlines network programming such as TCP and UDP socket servers.
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

jbookshelf : An electronic book collection organizer and reader

jbookshelf is an electronic book collection organizer and reader. It supports collecting plain files (text, HTML, PDF, etc.), has basic collection search, fulltext collection search (planned), internal viewers for plain text, HTML, RTF, and PDF, notes and citations, book categories, FB2 support (planned), and portability (removable drives support).
  • Licenses : GPLv3
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java 6, Swing, SwingX, PDFBOX, Cobra

Mylyn-Mantis Repository Connector is an eclipse Mylyn Repository plugin for the Mantis Bug Tracking application

Mylyn-Mantis Repository Connector is an eclipse Mylyn Repository plugin for the Mantis Bug Tracking application using the Mantis Connect SOAP interface.
  • Licenses : Eclipse
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Friday, August 14, 2009

JOpt.SDK : An automated vehicle routing and dispatching component for both Java/J2SE and .NET

JOpt.SDK is an automated vehicle routing and dispatching component for both Java/J2SE and .NET. It can solve Travelling Salesman Problems (TSP) and Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows (CVRP,VRPTW). It offers route and transport optimisation with respect to various constraints such as time windows, load capacities, and prescribed itinerary. The component is based on genetic algorithms, and automatically determines an optimized allocation of vehicels to an arbitrary set of orders.
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Contelligent : A J2EE content management system that is targeted at developers and integrators

Contelligent is a J2EE content management system that is targeted at developers and integrators. It provides an advanced package mechanism for development and deployment of Contelligent projects and extensions. Contelligent implements a component based approach that allows reuse of existing content, layout, and application logic in various contexts and for new unplanned needs.
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Monday, August 10, 2009

Web-KeePass : A Web based port of the KeePass project

Web-KeePass is a Web based port of the KeePass project, which is an easy-to-use password manager which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. All passwords are unlocked with one master password. It is focused on deep encryption, password secrecy, and ease of use. Web-KeePass is a full-featured, client-server application. It comes bundled with Tomcat 5.5 but is easily configured to any Java Servlet Web server.

Osmius : A monitoring tool for everything connected to a network

Osmius is a monitoring tool for everything connected to a network, from systems to databases, from applications to stock shares, from temperatures to energy comsuptions. Its native APIs are integrated in a C++ framework based on ACE. It can also create and integrate business services, SLAs and ITIL processes such as availability management and capacity planning. It can access data warehouse reports and processes. Osmius provides a notification and subscription engine.
  • Licenses : GPLv2
  • Implementation : Java, C++, PL/SQL

Spacewalk : A Linux and Solaris systems management solution

Spacewalk is a Linux and Solaris systems management solution. It allows you to inventory your systems (hardware and software information), install and update software on your systems, collect and distribute your custom software packages into manageable groups, provision (Kickstart) your systems, manage and deploy configuration files to your systems, monitor your systems, provision virtual guests, and start/stop/configure virtual guests.
  • Licenses : GPLv2
  • Operating Systems : POSIX, Linux
  • Implementation : Java, Perl, Python

Thursday, August 06, 2009

jWebApp : A Java-based Model-View-Controller (MVC) Web application framework

jWebApp is a Java-based Model-View-Controller (MVC) Web application framework that is specifically designed to satisfy the need for minimalistic simple Web development. It is configuration-free, straightforward, and extremely easy to work with.
  • Licenses : AGPLv3
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

ContentRoller : An easy-to-configure, set up, customize, and use news, links, and blogging CMS environment

ContentRoller is an easy-to-configure, set up, customize, and use news, links, and blogging CMS environment that provides you the ability to have your own social news site like Digg, Yahoo Buzz, DZone, The Server Side, InfoQ, Slashdot, etc. ContentRoller can also be configured to look like a newspaper-based news site.
  • Licenses : AGPLv3
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Compose* : A project that aims at enhancing the modularization capabilities of component- and object-based programming

Compose* is a project that aims at enhancing the modularization capabilities of component- and object-based programming. In particular, Compose* offers aspect-oriented programming through the Composition Filters model.
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java, C#

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

JStock : A stock market software for 23 countries

JStock is a stock market software for 23 countries. It provides real-time stock information, intraday stock price snapshots, a stock indicator editor, a stock indicator scanner, portfolio management, and market chit chat features. Free SMS/email alerting is supported.
  • Licenses : GPLv2
  • Operating Systems : Cross Platform
  • Implementation : Java

JPPF : A computational grid framework for Java focused on performance and ease of use

JPPF is a computational grid framework for Java focused on performance and ease of use. It provides a set of tools and APIs to enable the parallelization of CPU intensive applications, and distribute their execution over a network of heterogenous nodes. It features platform independence thanks to Java 1.5, does not require you to deploy your application classes to a server, scales up to millions of nodes, has a built-in fail-over mechanism on all the framework's components, and has a monitoring and administration GUI tool to enable remote monitoring of the server health and server shutdown/restart operations.
  • Licenses : LGPL Apache 2.0
  • Operating Systems : Mac OS X, Windows, POSIX, Linux, Unix
  • Implementation : Java

UMLet : A lightweight tool for rapidly drawing UML diagrams, with a sound and pop-up-free user interface

UMLet is a lightweight tool for rapidly drawing UML diagrams, with a sound and pop-up-free user interface. UMLet lets you draw diagram sketches quickly, teach UML with a simple user interface, and export diagrams to SVG, JPG, PDF, and LaTeX-friendly EPS. It features a fast, text-based way of editing UML elements.
Licenses : GPL
Operating Systems : OS Independent
Implementation : Java

Bugzero : A Web-based bug tracking, defect tracking, issue tracking, and change management system

Bugzero is a Web-based bug tracking, defect tracking, issue tracking, and change management system used in a distributed team environment to track software bugs, hardware defects, test cases, or any other issues. It can also be used equally well as a helpdesk customer support, trouble ticketing, or email management system to collect and manage customer feedbacks, incidents, requests, and issues. It is easy to use, but still flexible and adaptive, and can be configured to fit to your organization's unique business process and workflow.
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java, SQL

adx : A minimalistic but massively Web-enabled address book that runs completely in your Web browser

adx is a minimalistic but massively Web-enabled address book that runs completely in your Web browser. It supports comprehensive details for each contact entry, including user identifiers and profiles for Skype, Twitter, Flickr, Delicious, Facebook, LinkedIn, studiVZ, instant messengers, etc. It supports the hCard and XFN microformats.
  • Licenses : BSD Revised
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : XSL/XSLT, JavaScript, XML, HTML

Pulse : A continuous integration server (or build server) designed to be easy to use while offering powerful features

Pulse is a continuous integration server (or build server) designed to be easy to use while offering powerful features. It regularly checks your source code out from your SCM, builds your projects, and notifies you of the results. Key features include simple setup and administration using an AJAX-powered Web UI, adaptability to existing environments, distributed building, personal builds (test using Pulse before committing), and individual developer dashboards and notification preferences.
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

KaufKauf Shoppingmanager : A Web-based application that allows you to manage your goods at home

The KaufKauf Shoppingmanager is a Web-based application that allows you to manage your goods at home. It supports barcode scanners for faster management, and it automatically creates shopping lists that can be printed out or downloaded by cellphone. It also watches "best before" dates and informs you via email or SMS when foods reach that date. The complete application is a system that can be accessed from nearly everywhere and offers you the possibility to find out what you really need next from the supermarket.
  • Operating Systems : POSIX Linux Unix Windows
  • Implementation : Java

jOpenDocument : A pure Java library for manipulation of OASIS Open Document files

jOpenDocument is a pure Java library for manipulation of OASIS Open Document files. jOpenDocument is a library for developers looking to use Open Document files without You can use jOpenDocument to generate dynamic documents from Java, XML, or databases; to display and print files with built-in viewers; to split, concatenate, and manipulate pages; to automate filling out of templates; and to use your preferred langage via the standard ScriptEngine interface.
  • Licenses : GPLv3
  • Implementation : Java

Sketsa SVG Editor : A vector drawing application based on SVG

Sketsa SVG Editor is a vector drawing application based on SVG. It allows users to create vector graphics that can be scaled and printed at any resolution, without losing detail or clarity. It features various tools for optimizing content creation, and includes a property palette, a DOM editor, a source editor, a resource editor, SVG-specific shape tools, transformation tools, and additional illustration tools. It uses SVG as its native file format.
  • Licenses : Shareware
  • Operating Systems : OS Independent
  • Implementation : Java

Monday, August 03, 2009

JShot : A screen capture and uploader utility which allows you to capture a part of your screen and publish it in one step

JShot is a screen capture and uploader utility which allows you to capture a part of your screen and publish it in one step. It lets you upload your screenshot to an FTP server or image hosting server, or send it to an Instant Messaging partner. It copies the link of your screenshot to the clipboard, so you can publish your shot in one step. It is possible to extend the functionality of JShot by installing plugins. JShot also has drawing and image editing functionalities. It supports drawing shapes on the picture, cropping, rotating, text annotation, etc.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

JessyInk : A python extension for Inkscape that uses javascript to turn each layer of an SVG image into a slide of a presentation

JessyInk is a python extension for Inkscape that uses javascript to turn each layer of an SVG image into a slide of a presentation when the image is loaded into a browser.

Current features include different transitions, effects, an index sheet view and automatic slide numbering.

  • Licenses : GPLv3
  • Operating Systems : Linux, Windows, Mac OS X
  • Implementation : JavaScript, Python

PiggyBudget : A personal budget manager which allows you to track a budget against your expenses

PiggyBudget is a personal budget manager which allows you to track a budget against your expenses. It has an appealing and intuitive user interface and is very easy to use without any accounting knowledge.
  • Licenses : Freeware
  • Operating Systems : Java
  • Implementation : Java, SQL, Swing

Esel : A JavaScript/ECMAScript expression language

Esel is a JavaScript/ECMAScript expression language. It is a small language that can be embedded within a larger JavaScript application and used to evaluate expressions against various datasets, or as a simple but powerful text templating engine. It is roughly equivalent in power to the Unified Expression Language for Java, but is designed specifically for use with JavaScript.
  • Licenses : LGPL
  • Implementation : JavaScript, Kouprey