- Licenses : GPLv2
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java, AJAX, HTML, JavaScript
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
JWt : A library for developing accessible & interactive Web applications with an API that is widget-centric & inspired by desktop GUI APIs
JWt (Java Web Toolkit) is a library for developing accessible and interactive Web applications with an API that is widget-centric and inspired by desktop GUI APIs. To the developer, it offers complete abstraction of any Web-specific implementation details, including graceful degradation. Under the hood, the library uses the latest techniques when available to handle events and update the user interface.
Web 2.0,
Web Application development,
Web Framework
Terrastore : Scalable, elastic, consistent document store.
Terrastore is a modern document store which provides advanced scalability and elasticity features without sacrificing consistency.
- Licenses : Apache 2.0
- Operating Systems : Platform Independent
- Implementation : Java 6, terracotta, http, JSON
Sockso : A personal music server for everyone
Sockso is a personal music server for everyone. It's designed to be as simple as possible so that anyone with a mouse and some MP3s can get their friends listening to their music across the Internet in minutes.
- Licenses : GPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation: Java, JavaScript, PHP, SQL
File Sharing,
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sleutel : A multi-platform password manager that is written using the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP)
Sleutel is a multi-platform password manager that is written using the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP). Its goal is to manage password/ID pairs for accessing Web sites and to provide an example RCP application. It features configurable password generation, labeling of password entries (a la GMail), an intuitive UI following the Eclipse model, merge capabilities, and the ability to track usage count and dates of password entries. Sleutel is the Dutch word for key.
- Licenses : Apache 2.0
- Operating Systems : POSIX, Linux, Windows
- Implementation : Java
Information Management,
TV-Browser : A TV guide (EPG) that is easily extensible using plugins
TV-Browser is a TV guide (EPG) that is easily extensible using plugins. It is designed to look like a paper-based European TV guide. Included are over 500 mostly European channels (Germany, UK, Sweden, and Norway). It is possible to add channels yourself using tools offered on the homepage or via the plugin interface. For US viewers, a SchedulesDirect plugin is included.
- Licenses : GPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Saturday, December 19, 2009
AgentWeb : An on-going project to develop a client-side Web-based end-user programming environment
AgentWeb is an on-going project to develop a client-side Web-based end-user programming environment to be used by typical Web users and communities for developing and sharing interactive artifacts. AgentWeb consists of a plugin architecture for supporting development of interactive applications in different domains and provides an agent-based, event-based, visual programming paradigm for building interactive applications over DSLs of different application domains.
- Licenses : BSD Revised
- Implementation : JavaScript, AJAX, Dojo
Visual Programming Language,
Web 2.0
Friday, December 18, 2009
Lily : A browser-based, visual programming environment written in JavaScript
Lily is an Open Source, browser-based, visual programming environment written in JavaScript. Lily enables users to build programs graphically by connecting functional modules to fetch and direct the flow of data, play sound or video, add interactivity or display results. Lily programs can be shared with other Lily users, installed as Firefox add-ons, run as standalone apps using XULrunner, or (with some limitations) be embedded in a web page.
Livespaces : An operating system for building advanced meeting spaces
Livespaces is an operating system for building advanced meeting spaces. It provides a distributed software infrastructure built on the Elvin messaging service (the Livespace Bus) for coordinating software and devices across any number of computers in a meeting space, and user-facing applications for controlling a smart meeting room and collaborating with other participants. It also supports federation with remote Livespaces to facilitate collaboration between distributed teams.
- Licenses : GPLv3
- Operating Systems : Linux, Windows, Mac OS X
- Implementation : Java, C++, C, Groovy
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Pollen : A Web-based poll application that allows you to create and manage different votes
Pollen is a Web-based poll application that allows you to create and manage different votes. It features text, date, or image votes, anonymous voting, importing of voter lists from from CSV files or LDAP, import and export of polls, and a nice appearance.
- Licenses : GPL
- Operating Systems : Platform Independent
- Implementation : Java, Tapestry
WAJAF : A JavaScript framework
WAJAF is a JavaScript framework that works on the client side (i.e. the Web browser), and lets you build complete applications without programming a single line of HTML or JavaScript.
- Licenses : GPLv3
- Operating Systems : Windows, Unix, Mac OS X
- Implementation : JavaScript, XML, JSON
Monday, December 07, 2009
The Java File Copy Library provides an easy and powerful API for file copying operations
The Java File Copy Library provides an easy and powerful API for file copying operations. It lets the user define a batch of copy jobs with regular expressions and can use a Swing Component to show the overall copying progress.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
SVNKit is a pure Java Subversion (SVN) client library. This means that users of the library (i.e. Java applications) do not have to include svn native binaries or javahl bindings to work with subversion repositories. It is not only a 100% Java replacement for javahl bindings, but also a library that provides a high level of control over subversion repository operations.
Operating Systems : OS Independent
Implementation : Java
Sunday, November 15, 2009
OmegaT+ : A Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools platform
OmegaT+ is a Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools platform. It includes a translation processor with translation memory and projects support, a bitext aligner, and a TMX validator. It has various other tools to process documents for translation.
- Licenses : Eclipse, GPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Thursday, November 12, 2009
DbWrench : Multi-vendor, multi-platform database design and synchronization software
DbWrench is multi-vendor, multi-platform database design and synchronization software. Features include a syntax highlighting SQL query editor, support for many of today's most popular databases, a graphic entity relation diagram (ERD) designer, and the ability to forward and reverse engineer databases. Its multi-vendor and multi-platform functionality makes it ideal for heterogeneous database environments.
- Operating Systems : POSIX, Linux, Unix, Windows
- Implementation : Java
Monday, November 02, 2009
Java SOS is a set of configurable Java servlets
Java SOS is a set of configurable Java servlets for fast site building, including Forums, Chat, and Calendar servlets, etc.
- Implementation : Java
Monday, October 26, 2009
WidgetFX is a fully functional docking system for desktop widgets with support for translucency, shaped windows, resizing, configuration, and one-click installation. WidgetFX is written in JavaFX Script, and can be run on any platform where Java is supported.
- Licenses : GPLv3
- Operating Systems : POSIX, Solaris, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows
- Implementation : Java
UCDetector (Unecessary Code Detector) : An Eclipse plugin tool that finds unnecessary (dead) public Java code
UCDetector (Unecessary Code Detector) is an Eclipse plugin tool that finds unnecessary (dead) public Java code. It suggests that you make the code final, protected, or private. UCDetector also finds cyclic dependencies between classes.
- Licenses : EPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java Eclipse
code analysis,
code quality,
Eclipse plugin,
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Bonita : A lightweight BPM product that runs on the Standard (JSE) and Enterprise (JEE) Java platforms
Bonita is a lightweight BPM product that runs on the Standard (JSE) and Enterprise (JEE) Java platforms. Bonita provides an integrated graphical environment for BPM development and execution environments, and comprises three modules: a runtime, a runtime, and a designer. The runtime allows processes to be deployed, executed, and monitored through a rich API that provides BPM services. The console is a graphical Web-based interface. The designer is a BPM development environment that allows graphical definition of processes, as well as BPM connectors for integration with an existing system.
- Licenses : GPL
- Operating Systems : Windows POSIX Linux
- Implementation : Java
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Big Faceless Graph Library : A Java class library for creating graphs and charts
The Big Faceless Graph Library is a Java class library for creating graphs and charts. It is backed by a full 3D engine, allowing you to create shaded 3D pie, bar, and line graphs as GIF, PDF, PNG, or other image formats. Its features include transparent backgrounds, extensible axes to graph dates, currencies, custom fonts, and spline curve fitting. It is small, fast, and easy to use.
- Implementation: Java
Software Development
JAMWiki is a Java-based Wiki engine. It features Java servlet 2.4 and Java 5+ compatibility, offers many of the features of MediaWiki, provides quick and easy setup, is integrated with the Spring Framework and Spring Security, and supports running either with or without an external database.
- Licenses : LGPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Sustainable IDE (SIDE) : A set of graphical tools for developers who want to build sustainable software
Sustainable IDE (SIDE) is a set of graphical tools for developers who want to build sustainable software. Sustainable software is software you can extend easily, from a functional or technological point of view. On one hand, this means that when a user has a new requirement, it's easy for any developer to add it, even if the original author is not there anymore. On another hand, if you want to change the underlying technologies, you don't need to rewrite your existing application from scratch. Sustainable Software gives you the freedom to change technology, requirements, or achitecture. This can be achieved thanks to the use of models in a model driven software development (MDSD) paradigm.
- Licenses : GPL v3
- Operating Systems : Java
- Implementation : Alfresco, Chiba, XForms, Liferay, Java
SafiServer : An engine that powers the applications called Saflets that control one or more Asterisk PBXs
SafiServer is an engine that powers the applications called Saflets that control one or more Asterisk PBXs. These can be used for IVR applications such as information, account management, nearest dealer routing, and more. It also acts as an application repository for multi-developer environments.
- Licenses : GPLv3
- Operating Systems : Windows, Linux
- Implementation : Java
- Translations : English
HBCI4Java : A Java library for the HBCI home banking interface
HBCI4Java is a Java library for the HBCI home banking interface. It supports almost all aspect of the HBCI versions 2.01, 2.1, 2.2, HBCI+ and FinTS-3.0 (with PIN/TAN support). Its API is very application-oriented, so no knowledge about HBCI is required. The HBCI client package can be used to develop applications using HBCI features. The HBCI server package can be used to develop your own HBCI servers. This may be useful for credit institutes or software developers who want to setup their own HBCI test server.
- Licenses : Other GPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent, Windows, POSIX, Linux, Solaris
- Implementation : Java
Thursday, October 15, 2009
ICeHRM : A free and open source web based Human Resource Management system
ICeHRM is a free and open source web based Human Resource Management system developed targeting small and medium sized companies to restructure their HRM process around it.
With a rich AJAX user interface, ICeHRM gives the user an experience similar to using a desktop application.
Features include:
- Administration
- Define: departments, job titles, pay grades, education information and other master data
- Employee Information management - contains information about employee
- Leave Management - allows HR Managers to define leave types, leave quota for each employee, working days and special holidays
- Attendance and Time Tracking - allows HR Managers and Supervisors to monitor punch in/out times for employees and manage timesheets. Employees can use this module to submit daily punch in/out times and timesheets
- Timesheet submission
- Punch In/Out time submission
- Store project and customer information
- Store employee pictures
- Automated installation
License : GNU GPL v3
Open Applicant : A powerful Applicant Tracking and Candidate Assessment tool available to the public
Open Applicant is a powerful Applicant Tracking and Candidate Assessment tool available to the public. Through its developer community, Open Applicant is able to bring a wide variety of features and capabilities to Human Resource Professionals and Hiring Managers to make the recruiting and hiring process easy and effective.
Open Applicant was built with the user in mind, so each feature, icon, and navigation has been specifically designed to not only improve your candidate workflow, but also to ease the stress that comes with being in human resources.
License : GNU GPL
System Requirements : Tomcat Application Server, MySQL database, Java Runtime Environment
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Generic Repository (grepo) is a framework for Java which allows you to access (database) repositories in a generic and consistent manner. Using grepo, it is generally no longer required to provide all the boilerplate code which is necessary in order to access (database) repositories from Java. All you have to do is write appropriate database code (queries, procedures, functions, etc.), an appropriately annotated Java interface, and very little Spring configuration.
- Licenses : Apache 2.0
- Implementation : Java
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The Legion of the Bouncy Castle Java Cryptography API provides a lightweight cryptography API in Java
The Legion of the Bouncy Castle Java Cryptography API provides a lightweight cryptography API in Java, a provider for the JCE and JCA, a clean-room implementation of the JCE 1.2.1, generators for Version 1 and Version 3 X.509 certificates, generators for Version 2 X.509 attribute certificates, PKCS12 support, and APIs for dealing with S/MIME, CMS, OCSP, TSP, OpenPGP, and TLS. Versions are provided for the J2ME, and JDK 1.0-1.6.
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Software Development
Opina : A Web management tool for poll management
Opina is a Web management tool for poll management. The application is designed so that any user is able to create questionnaires, publish them to obtain responses, and process results afterwards.
- Licenses : GPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Neuroph : Lightweight Java Neural Network Framework that can be used to simulate common neural network architectures
Neuroph is lightweight Java Neural Network Framework that can be used to simulate common neural network architectures. With a small number of basic classes that correspond to basic NN concepts, it is easy to learn. It also has a nice GUI application.
- Licenses : LGPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Thursday, October 08, 2009
PatientOS : An electronic medical record system (PMS and EHR or EMR) for a physician or clinics
PatientOS is an electronic medical record system (PMS and EHR or EMR) for a physician or clinics. It is designed to be expanded into a healthcare information system for a hospital. It is a distributed clinical system.
- Licenses : GPLv3
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
ZXing : An open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Java
ZXing (pronounced "zebra crossing") is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Java. Our focus is on using the built-in camera on mobile phones to photograph and decode barcodes on the device, without communicating with a server. We currently have production-quality support for:
• UPC-A and UPC-E
• EAN-8 and EAN-13
• Code 39
• Code 128
• QR Code
• Data Matrix ('alpha' quality)
• PDF 417 ('alpha' quality)
• UPC-A and UPC-E
• EAN-8 and EAN-13
• Code 39
• Code 128
• QR Code
• Data Matrix ('alpha' quality)
• PDF 417 ('alpha' quality)
DocBook Doclet creates DocBook XML and class diagrams from Javadoc comments, converts HTML to DocBook, and transfoms DocBook XML into various output formats. It consists of a complete DocBook distribution containing schemas and the DocBook XSL stylesheets. It also integrates Apache FOP as the XSL:FO processor. A Swing application is used to customize the doclet and most of the DocBook XSL parameters and to start the transformations.
- Licenses : Freeware
- Implementation : Java
Software Development,
Text Processing,
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
RapidMiner (formerly YALE) : A flexible Java environment for knowledge discovery in databases, machine learning, and data mining
RapidMiner (formerly YALE) is a flexible Java environment for knowledge discovery in databases, machine learning, and data mining. Many nestable learning and preprocessing operators (including Weka) are provided. It features an XML-based graphical user interface, a plugin mechanism, and high-dimensional plotting, and provides an easy-to-use extension mechanism that makes it possible to integrate new operators and adapt the system to your personal requirements. A command line version is also included.
- Licenses : AGPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent, Windows, Unix
- Implementation : Java
Monday, October 05, 2009
goofs : Filesystem in userspace (FUSE) that aims to expose Google services
goofs is filesystem in userspace (FUSE) that aims to expose Google services such as Picasa images, contacts, blogs, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, calendars, etc. It is written using the Java binding for FUSE, FUSE-J, together with gdata-java-client.
- Licenses : GPL
- Operating Systems : POSIX, Linux
- Implementation : Java
Coldtags suite : suite is a collection of custom JSP tags that provides 300+ custom JSP tags for common programming tasks faced by JSP developers
The Coldtags suite is a collection of custom JSP tags that provides 300+ custom JSP tags for common programming tasks faced by JSP developers. It also includes custom tags similar to the Web controls in the .NET framework.
- Implementation : Java
Dynamic Content,
Java Libraries,
Software Development,
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Triage : A web-based help desk application written in Java using Hibernate and ZK libraries
Triage provides interfaces for handling tickets with notes and solutions, full-text search indexing, and allowing for plug-ins which can generate tickets from external sources (for example Asterisk, OpenNMS, Nagios, and e-mail). The initial development is being done on Linux, using the Eclipse development environment. The idea is that as a technician enters a new ticket, the application will present them with previous tickets/solutions which may be related and be able to present a quick answer. This way, knowledge is not lost and can be easily leveraged even with new personnel in the IT work force.
xslet : A collection of XSLT applets
xslet is a collection of XSLT applets. It includes "xslbook", which displays a book-style document in Web browsers without any other transformation tools, and "xslui", which displays Web pages with modularized XML files in Web browsers without any other transformation tools.
- Licenses : LGPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : XSL/XSLT, JavaScript
Text Processing,
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Jenner : A Web page templating system with a twist: it runs completely within a Web browser
Jenner is a Web page templating system with a twist: it runs completely within a Web browser. Templates are just normal Web pages with special syntax inside text nodes, attributes, or comments. Unlike other in-browser templating systems, Jenner does not require overloading of "class" attributes or invalid HTML; all Jenner templates are valid Web pages and the template expressions flow in a very natural way. Having the template engine in the Web browser instead of on the server takes a lot of load off of the server, and makes for a clean separation of presentation and content. Jenner is very powerful: it has the full power of the Esel expression language at its disposal. Templates can be rendered from JSON data, and can be re-rendered without a browser-to-server round trip.
- Licenses : LGPL
- Operating Systems : OS Indepedent
- Implementation : HTML, JavaScript
Luke : A handy development and diagnostic tool for Apache Lucene
Luke is a handy development and diagnostic tool for Apache Lucene. It accesses existing Lucene indexes and allows you to display and modify their contents in several ways. A user can browse by document number or by term, view documents, copy them to the clipboard, retrieve a ranked list of the most frequent terms, execute a search and browse the results, analyze search results, selectively delete documents from the index, reconstruct the original document fields, edit them, and reinsert them into the index, optimize indexes, and much more. Luke can also be extended through plugins.
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
EasyBeans : An implementation of an EJB3 container
EasyBeans is an implementation of an EJB3 container. It aims to provide an implementation for the full EJBCore API. For the persistence matter, it relies on Hibernate EJB 3, Oracle TopLink Essentials, or Apache OpenJPA.
- Licenses : LGPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tigase Server : A lightweight and scalable Jabber/XMPP server
Tigase Server is a lightweight and scalable Jabber/XMPP server. No third party libraries are needed. For services with very high load and a huge number of users, it can be deployed on as many machines as needed.
- Licenses : GPLv3
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Java SOS : A set of configurable Java servlets
Java SOS is a set of configurable Java servlets for fast site building, including Forums, Chat, and Calendar servlets, etc.
Monday, September 28, 2009
YajHFC (Yet Another Java Hylafax Client) : A platform independent client for the Hylafax fax server
YajHFC (Yet Another Java Hylafax Client) is a platform independent client for the Hylafax fax server. It supports sending new faxes, showing the server status, and displaying received and sent faxes.
- Licenses : GPL
- Operating Systems : POSIX, Windows
- Implementation : Java
Saturday, September 26, 2009
LinkAssistant SEO Tool : An easy-to-use website promotion tool for webmasters and SEOs who need to get their sites on top of Google, Yahoo!, and MSN
LinkAssistant SEO Tool is an easy-to-use website promotion tool for webmasters and SEOs who need to get their sites on top of Google, Yahoo!, and MSN. It finds thousands of relevant, high-quality link partners in a variety of ways, discovers online link submission forms in five major link partnership networks and automatically fills in the forms, shows the Google PageRank, the Alexa Rank, and link popularity of every link partner, lets you easily design a professional link directory that matches the rest of your site, publishes your pages via FTP, creates personalized emails with link partnership offers, checks if your link partners are still linking back or if they are using dirty SEO tricks against you, and monitors your site's rankings.
- Operating Systems : Windows, Mac OS X, Unix
- Implementation : Java
jrawio : A Service Provider Implementation for the Java Image I/O API that provides the capability to read images stored in a "camera raw" format
jrawio is a Service Provider Implementation for the Java Image I/O API that provides the capability to read images stored in a "camera raw" format. It supports various formats from the major camera manufacturers (e.g. NEF, CRW, CR2, PEF, SRF, MRW) as well as Adobe Digital Negative Format (DNG). It is made of pure Java code and does not require any native library.
- Licenses : Apache 2.0
- Operating Systems : Mac OS X, Windows, OS Independent, OS/2, POSIX, Linux, Solaris, Unix
- Implementation: Java
Ejscript : Server-side JavaScript language and web framework
Ejscript is server-side JavaScript language and web framework. Ejscript is based on the standardized version of JavaScript known as ECMAScript Edition 3.X with extensions for server-side Web and embedded applications.
- Licenses : GPLv2
- Implementation : JavaScript
Friday, September 25, 2009
Keywatch : OSGi-based monitoring system
Keywatch is OSGi-based monitoring system that provides the adaptability of a modern monitoring system without being complex or hard to configure. It support agents written in any language, and comes pre-packed with a Perl agent and a set of check scripts. Keywatch also supports Nagios check scripts.
- Licenses : Apache 2.0
- Operating Systems : Windows, Linux
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
AT4J : A set of tools for working with data compression and file archives from Java
AT4J is a set of tools for working with data compression and file archives from Java. It supports reading and creating zip and tar files, as well as several types of compression algorithms via third party libraries.
- Licenses : LGPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Java Libraries,
Software Development
Monday, September 21, 2009
Rachota : A small application for those who work with computers on a daily basis and are curious how efficiently they use their time
Rachota is a small application for those who work with computers on a daily basis and are curious how efficiently they use their time. It is basically a scheduler that measures how much time one spends on pre-defined tasks during the day. The data can be used later for evaluation or generation of reports, e.g. for managers.
- Licenses : CDDL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java XML
JClientPages allows you to use standard Java language to write client-side scripts in your HTML pages
JClientPages allows you to use standard Java language to write client-side scripts in your HTML pages. It is cross-browser, and there is no need for new browser plug-ins.
- Licenses : Apache 2.0
- Operating Systems : all
- Implementation : Java, JavaScript, beanshell2
AVS : A source configuration management software that embedds a bug tracking feature
AVS is a source configuration management software that embedds a bug tracking feature. It is based on a common file "check-out / check-in" procedure, which eases early conflict detection. A file can have parallel versions. A proprietary 3-way merge tool is bundled to help merging. AVS uses a development task concept, which allows grouping checked-out files for the same purpose. Users can then work on several tasks at once without confusing files. Each development task is natively linked to a change request, which can be linked to several tasks. The build manager then relies on a change request selection within a set, while still being able to unselect some tasks if needed. A user management feature, with groups and access rights, is provided to restrict access to users upon their profile.
- Licenses : Apache 2.0
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java 6, HTML, servlet, hibernate, postgresql
Schmant : A build tool for building Java programs
Schmant is a build tool for building Java programs. It provides a set of build tasks (compile, text process, tar archive, etc.) and an environment in which to run build scripts. Build scripts can be written in any scripting language that has Java scripting support. The goal of the project is to be feature-comparable with Apache Ant, but much nicer to work with.
- Licenses : GPLv2
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java, JavaScript
EntityFS : An object-oriented file system API for Java
EntityFS is an object-oriented file system API for Java. It has a rich set of powerful file and directory manipulation tools that makes it much easier to work with file system entities from Java. The file and directory interfaces are implementation-independent, and there is support for building file systems on disk, in memory, or in Zip or Jar files. File systems can also be configured to support capabilities such as file data compression or metadata.
- Licenses : LGPL
- Implementation : Java
HeliDB : A database for storing key-value pairs from a Java program
HeliDB is a database for storing key-value pairs from a Java program. The client program creates one database object per database file. The database objects can be configured to support different capabilities. In its simplest configuration, a database is a file-backed map. More advanced configurations can give it transaction support or fast record searches by indexing records in a B+ tree.
- Licenses : LGPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Friday, September 18, 2009
SYMPLiK EXZELLENZ is a Java framework to streamline the process of uploading data to Oracle database and creating objects in Oracle EBS 11i and 12 from Microsoft Excel files. This framework does not use Excel Macro, so users do not need to change the security level of their Excel application. This framework can also process Excel files created in Mac OS X or Open Office (in 97-2003 format).
- Licenses : GPLv2
- Operating Systems : Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX
- Implementation : Oracle, PL/SQL, Java
WaveMaker automates the development of Java Web applications
WaveMaker automates the development of Java Web applications. WaveMaker studio imports a DB schema, then automatically generates full Hibernate mapping and queries for CRUD operations. For each table, it creates a custom Dojo widget to implement grid and form capabilities. It generates standard Java Eclipse projects and WAR files that can run in any Java server. WaveMaker-generated apps are under the Apache license.
- Licenses : Apache 2.0
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java, JavaScript, Doj,o Acegi, hibernate, spring, JaxWS, Sun JDK
Apache PDFBox : An open source Java PDF library for working with PDF documents
Apache PDFBox is an open source Java PDF library for working with PDF documents. This project allows creation of new PDF documents, manipulation of existing documents and the ability to extract content from documents. Apache PDFBox also includes several command line utilities. Apache PDFBox is published under the Apache License v2.0
DocSearcher : A search tool for indexing and searching files on a personal computer
DocSearcher is a search tool for indexing and searching files on a personal computer. It uses APIs to provide search functionality for common document formats. It currently supports Word, Excel, PDF, OpenOffice/StarOffice, RTF, Text, and HTML.
- Licenses : GPLv2
- Operating Systems : Java
- Implementation : POI, PDFBOX, Java, Lucene
cron4j : A scheduler for the Java 2 platform which is very similar to the UNIX cron daemon
cron4j is a scheduler for the Java 2 platform which is very similar to the UNIX cron daemon. cron4j lets you launch, from within your Java applications, any task you need at the right time, according to some simple rules
- Licenses : LGPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
jHepWork : A full-featured multi-platform data analysis framework for scientists, engineers, and students
jHepWork is a full-featured multi-platform data analysis framework for scientists, engineers, and students. All numerical and graphical libraries written in Java are fully integrated with Jython. jHepWork comes with a powerful Python/Jython friendly IDE with a code assist.
- Licenses : GPL
- Implementation : Java
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Shape Collage : An automatic photo collage maker that lets you create picture collages in less than a minute with just a few mouse clicks
Shape Collage is an automatic photo collage maker that lets you create picture collages in less than a minute with just a few mouse clicks. Shape Collage creates collages using an intelligent machine learning algorithm that automatically places the photos in the collage and can arrange the photos to form different shapes. You can even save the collage as an Adobe Photoshop PSD file, and edit the collage afterwards in Photoshop or GIMP.
- Operating Systems : Unix, Windows, Mac OS X
- Implementation : Java
Artistic Software,
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
SVNKit : A pure Java Subversion (SVN) client library
SVNKit is a pure Java Subversion (SVN) client library. This means that users of the library (i.e. Java applications) do not have to include svn native binaries or javahl bindings to work with subversion repositories. It is not only a 100% Java replacement for javahl bindings, but also a library that provides a high level of control over subversion repository operations.
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
XINS : A technology used to define, create, and invoke remote APIs
XINS is a technology used to define, create, and invoke remote APIs. XINS is specification-oriented. When API specifications are written (in XML), XINS will transform them to HTML-based documentation and Java code for both the client-side and the server-side. The communication is based on HTTP. XINS competes with the complex SOAP technology. Main design goals include simplicity, scalability, and testability. XINS is not only a specification technology, but also an application development framework. It offers transaction logging, unique log documentation, and active code generation.
- Licenses : BSD Revised
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Saros : A Eclipse plugin for collaborative text editing that in particular targets distributed pair programming (also called remote pair programming)

Saros is a Eclipse plugin for collaborative text editing that in particular targets distributed pair programming (also called remote pair programming), but can support arbitrarily many participants at once. All members of a session have an identical copy of an Eclipse project and Saros keeps these copies in sync as editing progresses.
- Licenses : GPLv2
- Operating Systems : Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, any with Java
- Implementation : Java 5, Eclipse, Smack
Distributed Pair Programming,
TextCite : A program for organizing and commenting textual citations from texts (books, articles, or other published works)
TextCite is a program for organizing and commenting textual citations from texts (books, articles, or other published works) for use in producing scientific or academic publications. You can organize by publication, author, category, or outline. It works with bibliographic management programs like Citation, EndNote, RefWorks, and BibTeX, providing important text/citation management capabilities that these programs lack, while still allowing for rapid footnote and bibliography generation by means of your favorite bibliography manager. It also exports to PDF and Word (RTF).
- Licenses : GPLv2
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Monday, September 14, 2009
Ontopia : A set of tools for building applications driven by Topic Maps, such as Web portals
Ontopia is a set of tools for building applications driven by Topic Maps, such as Web portals. The main benefit of Topic Maps is that they provide a flexible and expressive data model supporting much better findability than traditional solutions, as well as advanced features like automated merging of datasets.
- Licenses : Apache 2.0
- Operating Systems : Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
- Implementation : Apache Wicket, Java, jsp
Friday, September 11, 2009
Bugzero : A Web-based bug tracking, defect tracking, issue tracking, and change management system
Bugzero is a Web-based bug tracking, defect tracking, issue tracking, and change management system used in a distributed team environment to track software bugs, hardware defects, test cases, or any other issues. It can also be used equally well as a helpdesk customer support, trouble ticketing, or email management system to collect and manage customer feedbacks, incidents, requests, and issues. It is easy to use, but still flexible and adaptive, and can be configured to fit to your organization's unique business process and workflow.
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java, SQL
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
The Grace Donation Manager handles the tracking of donations and donors for a non-profit organization
The Grace Donation Manager handles the tracking of donations and donors for a non-profit organization. As donations come in for particular funds, the donation is recorded along with the donor's information. Grace also handles the printing of receipts and reports and facilitates common administrative operations like bank deposits and exporting of data to an accounting package. Grace is well-suited for both the individual fundraiser as well as small-to-medium-sized organizations.
- Licenses : GPL
- Operating Systems : POSIX, Linux, Windows
- Implementation : Java
DbWrench : Multi-vendor, multi-platform database design and synchronization software
DbWrench is multi-vendor, multi-platform database design and synchronization software. Features include a syntax highlighting SQL query editor, support for many of today's most popular databases, a graphic entity relation diagram (ERD) designer, and the ability to forward and reverse engineer databases. Its multi-vendor and multi-platform functionality makes it ideal for heterogeneous database environments.
- Operating Systems : POSIX, Linux, Unix, Windows
- Implementation : Java
Monday, September 07, 2009
SipUnit provides a class library that allows software developers to create automated unit tests for SIP applications
SipUnit provides a class library that allows software developers to create automated unit tests for SIP applications. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is widely used for providing telephone services over the Internet. SipUnit extends the JUnit framework to incorporate SIP-specific assertions, and it provides a high-level API for performing the SIP operations needed to interact with or invoke a test target. A test program using the SipUnit API is written in Java and acts as a network element that sends/receives SIP requests and responses.
- Implementation : Java
1060 NetKernel Standard Edition : A resource oriented microkernel and RESTful application server
1060 NetKernel Standard Edition is a resource oriented microkernel and RESTful application server based on the convergence and unification of powerful fundamental concepts found in the World Wide Web and Unix. NKSE includes extensive functionality including transports (HTTP, SOAP 1.1 / 1.2, REST Web-Services, JMS, Cron, etc.), resource models (XML, Image, RDF, PiNKY for Atom and RSS feeds, JSON, etc.), services (XML pipeline processing, RDBMS access, etc.), tools (request visualizer, debugger, unit testing, etc.), and supported programming languages (Groovy, Ruby, Java, Python, JavaScript , Beanshell, XProc, XSLT, etc.).
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Wabit : A cross-platform, open-source ad-hoc reporting tool with a GUI and an embeddable API
Wabit, sponsored by SQL Power Group Inc, is a cross-platform, open-source ad-hoc reporting tool with a GUI and an embeddable API.
- Licenses : GPLv3
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Friday, September 04, 2009
H2 : An SQL database engine written in Java that implements the JDBC API
H2 is an SQL database engine written in Java that implements the JDBC API. Embedded, server, and clustering modes are available. A browser based console application is included. The database has strong security features. Disk based and in-memory databases and tables are supported.
- Licenses : MPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation Java, SQL
Database Database Engines/Servers,
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Avis : provides a fast publish/subscribe event routing service compatible with the commercial Elvin implementation developed by Mantara Software
Avis is a multicast event bus. It provides a fast publish/subscribe event routing service compatible with the commercial Elvin implementation developed by Mantara Software.
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
DB Solo : A powerful database development and management tool for developers and DBAs
DB Solo is a powerful database development and management tool for developers and DBAs. It has an intuitive user interface that allows you to explore and manage your database objects as well as execute ad-hoc queries. It supports Oracle, MySQL, Sybase, DB2, Solid, PostgreSQL, and MS SQL Server. In addition to viewing and managing objects such as schemas, tables, indexes, views, tablespaces, users, roles, sessions, and stored procedures, you can view, edit, print, and export data from tables or the results of queries. You can also graphically view foreign key relationships.
- Operating Systems : Windows, Unix
- Implementation : Java, SQL
Friday, August 28, 2009
OpenXava : A framework to develop AJAX JavaEE/J2EE applications rapidly and easily
OpenXava is a framework to develop AJAX JavaEE/J2EE applications rapidly and easily. It allows you to define applications only with POJOs, JPA, and Java 5 annotations. It is feature rich and flexible. It generates JSR-168 portlet applications (Liferay, WebSphere Portal, Jetspeed, etc.).
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
words : Software for improving your English vocabulary
words is software for improving your English vocabulary. It can useful when preparing for the GRE, GMAT, SAT, or any other vocabulary intensive examination.
- Licenses : GPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Jython, Python, Java
Monday, August 24, 2009
Java SOS : A set of configurable Java servlets for fast site building, including Forums, Chat, and Calendar servlets, etc
Java SOS is a set of configurable Java servlets for fast site building, including Forums, Chat, and Calendar servlets, etc.
- Implementation : Java
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Jenner : A Web page templating system with a twist: it runs completely within a Web browser
Jenner is a Web page templating system with a twist: it runs completely within a Web browser. Templates are just normal Web pages with special syntax inside text nodes, attributes, or comments. Unlike other in-browser templating systems, Jenner does not require overloading of "class" attributes or invalid HTML; all Jenner templates are valid Web pages and the template expressions flow in a very natural way. Having the template engine in the Web browser instead of on the server takes a lot of load off of the server, and makes for a clean separation of presentation and content. Jenner is very powerful: it has the full power of the Esel expression language at its disposal. Templates can be rendered from JSON data, and can be re-rendered without a browser-to-server round trip.
- Licenses : LGPL
- Operating Systems : OS Indepedent
- Implementation : HTML, JavaScript
Friday, August 21, 2009
Sonar enables you to collect, analyze, and report metrics on source code
Sonar enables you to collect, analyze, and report metrics on source code. Sonar not only offers consolidated reporting on and across projects throughout time, but a central place to manage code quality. With no complex infrastructure, Sonar fulfills needs in terms of code quality, whether it is to make an audit or implement a continuous improvement process.
- Licenses : LGPLv3
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Quality Assurance,
Software Development
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Report Runner : A lightweight, Java-based reporting and dashboard solution
Report Runner is a lightweight, Java-based reporting and dashboard solution. It supports scheduled invocation of reports, various output formats (PDF, XLS, HTML, RTF, etc.), report formating (via Jasper), chart and data grid based dashboards, and realtime operation. It allows administrators and power users to create reports for day-to-day users to run at their leisure or have delivered by various methods (email, FTP, SFTP, SMB, file system). The dashboard functionality allows administrators to create rich dashboards for their users using the Open Flash Chart library.
- Licenses : GPLv3
- Implementation : HTML, AJAX, Struts 2, Open Flash Charts, Jasper Reports, quartz, spring, hibernate, Display Tag, Java
Monday, August 17, 2009
DBSight : A J2EE search platform for instant scalable full-text search on any relational database, for both beginners and experts
DBSight is a J2EE search platform for instant scalable full-text search on any relational database, for both beginners and experts. It features a built-in database crawler that follows user-defined SQL, incremental indexing, configurable result ranking, highlighted search results (like Google), and categorized result counts (like Amazon). Scaffolding supports tag cloud, suggest-as-you-type, spell checker, and much more. It easily integrates with other languages through XML, JSON, and HTML. There is a UI for all operations, so no Java coding is necessary. Deleted or updated records in the database can be synchronized. Content outside the database can also be searched.
- Licenses : Freeware
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation :
Netty project : An asynchronous, event-driven network application framework and tools
The Netty project is an effort to provide an asynchronous, event-driven network application framework and tools for rapid development of maintainable, high-performance, high-scalability protocol servers and clients. In other words, Netty is a NIO client server framework that enables quick and easy development of network applications such as protocol servers and clients. It simplifies and streamlines network programming such as TCP and UDP socket servers.
- Licenses : LGPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
jbookshelf : An electronic book collection organizer and reader
jbookshelf is an electronic book collection organizer and reader. It supports collecting plain files (text, HTML, PDF, etc.), has basic collection search, fulltext collection search (planned), internal viewers for plain text, HTML, RTF, and PDF, notes and citations, book categories, FB2 support (planned), and portability (removable drives support).
- Licenses : GPLv3
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java 6, Swing, SwingX, PDFBOX, Cobra
Mylyn-Mantis Repository Connector is an eclipse Mylyn Repository plugin for the Mantis Bug Tracking application
Mylyn-Mantis Repository Connector is an eclipse Mylyn Repository plugin for the Mantis Bug Tracking application using the Mantis Connect SOAP interface.
- Licenses : Eclipse
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Friday, August 14, 2009
JOpt.SDK : An automated vehicle routing and dispatching component for both Java/J2SE and .NET
JOpt.SDK is an automated vehicle routing and dispatching component for both Java/J2SE and .NET. It can solve Travelling Salesman Problems (TSP) and Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows (CVRP,VRPTW). It offers route and transport optimisation with respect to various constraints such as time windows, load capacities, and prescribed itinerary. The component is based on genetic algorithms, and automatically determines an optimized allocation of vehicels to an arbitrary set of orders.
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Contelligent : A J2EE content management system that is targeted at developers and integrators
Contelligent is a J2EE content management system that is targeted at developers and integrators. It provides an advanced package mechanism for development and deployment of Contelligent projects and extensions. Contelligent implements a component based approach that allows reuse of existing content, layout, and application logic in various contexts and for new unplanned needs.
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Monday, August 10, 2009
Web-KeePass : A Web based port of the KeePass project
Web-KeePass is a Web based port of the KeePass project, which is an easy-to-use password manager which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. All passwords are unlocked with one master password. It is focused on deep encryption, password secrecy, and ease of use. Web-KeePass is a full-featured, client-server application. It comes bundled with Tomcat 5.5 but is easily configured to any Java Servlet Web server.
Information Management,
Osmius : A monitoring tool for everything connected to a network
Osmius is a monitoring tool for everything connected to a network, from systems to databases, from applications to stock shares, from temperatures to energy comsuptions. Its native APIs are integrated in a C++ framework based on ACE. It can also create and integrate business services, SLAs and ITIL processes such as availability management and capacity planning. It can access data warehouse reports and processes. Osmius provides a notification and subscription engine.
- Licenses : GPLv2
- Implementation : Java, C++, PL/SQL
Spacewalk : A Linux and Solaris systems management solution
Spacewalk is a Linux and Solaris systems management solution. It allows you to inventory your systems (hardware and software information), install and update software on your systems, collect and distribute your custom software packages into manageable groups, provision (Kickstart) your systems, manage and deploy configuration files to your systems, monitor your systems, provision virtual guests, and start/stop/configure virtual guests.
- Licenses : GPLv2
- Operating Systems : POSIX, Linux
- Implementation : Java, Perl, Python
Thursday, August 06, 2009
jWebApp : A Java-based Model-View-Controller (MVC) Web application framework
jWebApp is a Java-based Model-View-Controller (MVC) Web application framework that is specifically designed to satisfy the need for minimalistic simple Web development. It is configuration-free, straightforward, and extremely easy to work with.
- Licenses : AGPLv3
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
ContentRoller : An easy-to-configure, set up, customize, and use news, links, and blogging CMS environment
ContentRoller is an easy-to-configure, set up, customize, and use news, links, and blogging CMS environment that provides you the ability to have your own social news site like Digg, Yahoo Buzz, DZone, The Server Side, InfoQ, Slashdot, etc. ContentRoller can also be configured to look like a newspaper-based news site.
- Licenses : AGPLv3
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Compose* : A project that aims at enhancing the modularization capabilities of component- and object-based programming
Compose* is a project that aims at enhancing the modularization capabilities of component- and object-based programming. In particular, Compose* offers aspect-oriented programming through the Composition Filters model.
- Licenses : LGPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java, C#
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
JStock : A stock market software for 23 countries
JStock is a stock market software for 23 countries. It provides real-time stock information, intraday stock price snapshots, a stock indicator editor, a stock indicator scanner, portfolio management, and market chit chat features. Free SMS/email alerting is supported.
- Licenses : GPLv2
- Operating Systems : Cross Platform
- Implementation : Java
JPPF : A computational grid framework for Java focused on performance and ease of use
JPPF is a computational grid framework for Java focused on performance and ease of use. It provides a set of tools and APIs to enable the parallelization of CPU intensive applications, and distribute their execution over a network of heterogenous nodes. It features platform independence thanks to Java 1.5, does not require you to deploy your application classes to a server, scales up to millions of nodes, has a built-in fail-over mechanism on all the framework's components, and has a monitoring and administration GUI tool to enable remote monitoring of the server health and server shutdown/restart operations.
- Licenses : LGPL Apache 2.0
- Operating Systems : Mac OS X, Windows, POSIX, Linux, Unix
- Implementation : Java
UMLet : A lightweight tool for rapidly drawing UML diagrams, with a sound and pop-up-free user interface
UMLet is a lightweight tool for rapidly drawing UML diagrams, with a sound and pop-up-free user interface. UMLet lets you draw diagram sketches quickly, teach UML with a simple user interface, and export diagrams to SVG, JPG, PDF, and LaTeX-friendly EPS. It features a fast, text-based way of editing UML elements.
Licenses : GPL
Operating Systems : OS Independent
Implementation : Java
Bugzero : A Web-based bug tracking, defect tracking, issue tracking, and change management system
Bugzero is a Web-based bug tracking, defect tracking, issue tracking, and change management system used in a distributed team environment to track software bugs, hardware defects, test cases, or any other issues. It can also be used equally well as a helpdesk customer support, trouble ticketing, or email management system to collect and manage customer feedbacks, incidents, requests, and issues. It is easy to use, but still flexible and adaptive, and can be configured to fit to your organization's unique business process and workflow.
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java, SQL
adx : A minimalistic but massively Web-enabled address book that runs completely in your Web browser
adx is a minimalistic but massively Web-enabled address book that runs completely in your Web browser. It supports comprehensive details for each contact entry, including user identifiers and profiles for Skype, Twitter, Flickr, Delicious, Facebook, LinkedIn, studiVZ, instant messengers, etc. It supports the hCard and XFN microformats.
- Licenses : BSD Revised
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : XSL/XSLT, JavaScript, XML, HTML
Address Book,
Pulse : A continuous integration server (or build server) designed to be easy to use while offering powerful features
Pulse is a continuous integration server (or build server) designed to be easy to use while offering powerful features. It regularly checks your source code out from your SCM, builds your projects, and notifies you of the results. Key features include simple setup and administration using an AJAX-powered Web UI, adaptability to existing environments, distributed building, personal builds (test using Pulse before committing), and individual developer dashboards and notification preferences.
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Build Tools,
Quality Assurance,
Software Development,
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
KaufKauf Shoppingmanager : A Web-based application that allows you to manage your goods at home
The KaufKauf Shoppingmanager is a Web-based application that allows you to manage your goods at home. It supports barcode scanners for faster management, and it automatically creates shopping lists that can be printed out or downloaded by cellphone. It also watches "best before" dates and informs you via email or SMS when foods reach that date. The complete application is a system that can be accessed from nearly everywhere and offers you the possibility to find out what you really need next from the supermarket.
- Operating Systems : POSIX Linux Unix Windows
- Implementation : Java
jOpenDocument : A pure Java library for manipulation of OASIS Open Document files
jOpenDocument is a pure Java library for manipulation of OASIS Open Document files. jOpenDocument is a library for developers looking to use Open Document files without OpenOffice.org. You can use jOpenDocument to generate dynamic documents from Java, XML, or databases; to display and print files with built-in viewers; to split, concatenate, and manipulate pages; to automate filling out of templates; and to use your preferred langage via the standard ScriptEngine interface.
- Licenses : GPLv3
- Implementation : Java
Sketsa SVG Editor : A vector drawing application based on SVG
Sketsa SVG Editor is a vector drawing application based on SVG. It allows users to create vector graphics that can be scaled and printed at any resolution, without losing detail or clarity. It features various tools for optimizing content creation, and includes a property palette, a DOM editor, a source editor, a resource editor, SVG-specific shape tools, transformation tools, and additional illustration tools. It uses SVG as its native file format.
- Licenses : Shareware
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Artistic Software,
Text Processing,
Monday, August 03, 2009
JShot : A screen capture and uploader utility which allows you to capture a part of your screen and publish it in one step
JShot is a screen capture and uploader utility which allows you to capture a part of your screen and publish it in one step. It lets you upload your screenshot to an FTP server or image hosting server, or send it to an Instant Messaging partner. It copies the link of your screenshot to the clipboard, so you can publish your shot in one step. It is possible to extend the functionality of JShot by installing plugins. JShot also has drawing and image editing functionalities. It supports drawing shapes on the picture, cropping, rotating, text annotation, etc.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
JessyInk : A python extension for Inkscape that uses javascript to turn each layer of an SVG image into a slide of a presentation

JessyInk is a python extension for Inkscape that uses javascript to turn each layer of an SVG image into a slide of a presentation when the image is loaded into a browser.
Current features include different transitions, effects, an index sheet view and automatic slide numbering.
- Licenses : GPLv3
- Operating Systems : Linux, Windows, Mac OS X
- Implementation : JavaScript, Python
PiggyBudget : A personal budget manager which allows you to track a budget against your expenses
PiggyBudget is a personal budget manager which allows you to track a budget against your expenses. It has an appealing and intuitive user interface and is very easy to use without any accounting knowledge.
- Licenses : Freeware
- Operating Systems : Java
- Implementation : Java, SQL, Swing
Esel : A JavaScript/ECMAScript expression language
Esel is a JavaScript/ECMAScript expression language. It is a small language that can be embedded within a larger JavaScript application and used to evaluate expressions against various datasets, or as a simple but powerful text templating engine. It is roughly equivalent in power to the Unified Expression Language for Java, but is designed specifically for use with JavaScript.
- Licenses : LGPL
- Implementation : JavaScript, Kouprey
Thursday, July 30, 2009
MiniG (Mini Gmail) : An AJAX Webmail for the OBM groupware solution
MiniG (Mini Gmail) is an AJAX Webmail for the OBM groupware solution. Its user interface is designed to feel like GMail. MiniG can work with any Cyrus IMAP server.
- Operating Systems : POSIX Linux
- Implementation : Java
App Log : A logging facility that is accessed using a simple URL Web address
App Log is a logging facility that is accessed using a simple URL Web address. It is meant to be deployed through Google App Engine in conjunction with Eclipse IDE 3.4 for development.
- Licenses : GPL
- Implementation : Java
mxGraph : A JavaScript library that uses built-in browser capabilities to provide an interactive drawing and diagramming solution
mxGraph is a JavaScript library that uses built-in browser capabilities to provide an interactive drawing and diagramming solution. Target applications are Web based applications that require workflow/BPM, diagram, network, or general graph editing to be available in-place on a Web page.
- Licenses : Other
- Implementation : JavaScript
Monday, July 27, 2009
OPENBEXI is a WYSIWYG HTML WEB editor which allows you to create Web pages, generate HTML code without any HTML knowledges. Powerful text (Fck),fisheyes, DOJO, table, form, media, timeline editors let you create, update, resize,remove HTML components.
- Licenses : GPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : JavaScript, Java
Build Tools,
Code Generators,
oftware Development
eHour : A Web-based time registration tool for project-based businesses
eHour is a Web-based time registration tool for project-based businesses. The primary objective is to keep time tracking as simple as needed while still being very effective at measuring and reporting the amount of time your team spends on a project. It is developed in Java (Spring and Hibernate) with a MySQL backend.
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : SQL, JavaScript, Java
- Translations : English
TOPCASED stands for Toolkit in OPen source for Critical Applications and SystEm Development
TOPCASED stands for Toolkit in OPen source for Critical Applications and SystEm Development. It is a system and software engineering workshop based on Eclipse. It aims to provide the tools required to go from requirements to the implementation stages. Focused on modeling development engineering, it includes several graphical editors (for ECORE, UML, SysML, SAM, AADL, and more), an OCL rules editor and checker, several code generators (SMUC, UML2C, UML2Java, UML2Python), a document generator, gPM (a ticket tracker), xHDL tools, Tramway (a requirements traceability framework), and more. External tools can be easily connected to the workshop through its API or models.
- Licenses : Eclipse Public License, LGPL
- Operating Systems : Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, Windows
- Implementation: Java, Eclipse, EMF, ATL, Acceleo, OpenArchitectureWare
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Shibboleth : A standards-based middleware software package providing Web single-sign-on across or within organizational boundaries
Shibboleth is a standards-based middleware software package providing Web single-sign-on across or within organizational boundaries. It implements standards such as OASIS' SAML to provide a federated single-sign-on and attribute exchange framework. It also provides extended privacy functionality, allowing the browser user and their home site to control the attributes released to each application.
- Licenses : Apache 2.0
- Operating Systems : Windows, POSIX, Unix
- Implementation : Java
Friday, July 17, 2009
DataNucleus Access Platform : A standards-compliant Java persistence product
DataNucleus Access Platform is a standards-compliant Java persistence product. It is fully compliant with the JDO1, JDO2, JDO2.1, JDO2.2, JDO2.3, and JPA1 Java standards, and provides a REST API. It complies with the OGC Simple Feature Spec for persistence of geospatial Java types. It allows access to all popular RDBMS available today, together with db4o, LDAP, NeoDatis, JSON, Excel/ODF spreadsheets, XML, BigTable, and HADOOP databases.
- Licenses : Apache 2.0
- Implementation : Java, JPA, JDO, REST
Exam4Fun : A program that helps you learn a new language or vocabulary
Exam4Fun is a program that helps you learn a new language or vocabulary. It is designed to be flexible and to fit to different kinds of exams. You can create your own exam and take the exam in different ways (Identification, Flashcard, Multiple Choice).
- Licenses : GPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Hadoop Studio : A map-reduce development environment (IDE) based on Netbeans
Hadoop Studio is a map-reduce development environment (IDE) based on Netbeans. It makes it easy to create, understand, and debug map-reduce applications based on Hadoop, without requiring development-time access to a map-reduce cluster. The studio provides a real-time workflow view of a map-reduce job, which displays the individual inputs, outputs, and interactions between the phases of a map-reduce job. The workflow view of a job updates in real time with the developer's code changes. It then generates Java sources and compiles them into a binary jar file, which can be run on a normal Hadoop cluster.
- Operating Systems : Linux, Windows
- Implementation : Java, Netbeans, hadoop, mapreduce
Hadoop Studio is a map-reduce development environment (IDE) based on Netbeans. It makes it easy to create, understand, and debug map-reduce applications based on Hadoop, without requiring development-time access to a map-reduce cluster. The studio provides a real-time workflow view of a map-reduce job, which displays the individual inputs, outputs, and interactions between the phases of a map-reduce job. The workflow view of a job updates in real time with the developer's code changes. It then generates Java sources and compiles them into a binary jar file, which can be run on a normal Hadoop cluster.
JSch allows you to connect to an sshd server and use port forwarding, X11 forwarding, file transfer, etc.
JSch is a pure Java implementation of SSH2. It allows you to connect to an sshd server and use port forwarding, X11 forwarding, file transfer, etc. You can integrate its functionality into your own Java programs.
- Licenses : BSD Original, BSD Revised
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Vaadin : A Web application framework for Rich Internet Applications (RIA)
Vaadin is a Web application framework for Rich Internet Applications (RIA). In contrast to Javascript libraries and browser-plugin based solutions it features a server-side architecture, which means that the majority of the logic runs on the servers. AJAX technology is used on the browser side to ensure a rich and interactive user experience. Vaadin is a big collection of UI components. There are server-side components like Button, Table, and Tree that you use to compose the application user interface. The components use events, listeners, and data binding to communicate with each other and the business logic. Vaadin is a robust architecture for rapid application development. The component-based architecture together with the data binding features help you to build applications that are easily modularized and refactored as needed.
- Licenses : Apache 2.0
- Operating Systems : Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, Java
- Implementation : Java, GWT, AJAX
Thursday, July 09, 2009
ConcourseConnect : A social networking platform
ConcourseConnect is a social networking platform. You can build social networking sites including corporate intranets, business community add-on sites, enthusiast sites, business or product directory sites (like a chamber of commerce or yellow pages), or even stand-alone Web sites. Features include a full range of Web 2.0 tools: ratings, reviews, wiki, blog, comments, discussion forums, an ideas engine, and more. Users begin by creating a rich profile and joining groups. It is perfect for internal collaboration or as a customer feedback forum. The portal framework allows developers to plug in custom portlets and themes.
- Licenses: AGPLv3
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java, HTML, AJAX, postgresql
Enterprise 2.0,
social networking,
Web 2.0
Ontopia : A set of tools for building applications driven by Topic Maps, such as Web portals
Ontopia is a set of tools for building applications driven by Topic Maps, such as Web portals. The main benefit of Topic Maps is that they provide a flexible and expressive data model supporting much better findability than traditional solutions, as well as advanced features like automated merging of datasets.
- Licenses : Apache 2.0
- Operating Systems : Windows Linux Mac OS X
- Implementation : Apache Wicket, Java, jsp
XINS : A technology used to define, create, and invoke remote APIs. XINS is specification-oriented
XINS is a technology used to define, create, and invoke remote APIs. XINS is specification-oriented. When API specifications are written (in XML), XINS will transform them to HTML-based documentation and Java code for both the client-side and the server-side. The communication is based on HTTP. XINS competes with the complex SOAP technology. Main design goals include simplicity, scalability, and testability. XINS is not only a specification technology, but also an application development framework. It offers transaction logging, unique log documentation, and active code generation.
- Licenses : BSD Revised
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
JSXGraph : A cross-browser library for interactive geometry, function plotting, and data visualization in a Web browser
JSXGraph is a cross-browser library for interactive geometry, function plotting, and data visualization in a Web browser. It is implemented in JavaScript and uses SVG and VML. JSXGraph is easy to embed and has a small footprint: only 50 KB if embedded in a Web page. No plugins are required, it can be used together with Prototype or jQuery.
- Licenses : LGPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : JavaScript
LogicalDOC : the natural evolution of the popular DMS Contineo
LogicalDOC is the natural evolution of the popular DMS Contineo. It is a Web-based document management system that is easy to use and learn. Its architecture leverages best-of-breed Java technology to achieve a powerful and flexible solution. It supports its users with a powerful search engine (Lucene), Web service interface (JAX-WS via CXF), and versioning. Documents can be organized into hierarchical folders, and searched by keywords or using the search engine. The archive can also be navigated through logical links of keywords.
- Licenses : LGPL
- Operating Systems : OS Independent Windows Linux Mac OS X
- Implementation : Java
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Votorola : Communityware for building consensus and reaching decisions
Votorola is communityware for building consensus and reaching decisions. Installed in your home town, it functions as a primary electoral system, one in which the candidates are chosen by open, cross-party consensus. The backbone of the system is a peer-to-peer voting mechanism that allows for recursive delegation, unrestricted nomination, and continuous vote shifting. Its voter lists are authenticated by a neighborhood trust network. An interface to collaborative writing sites (upcoming beta) will extend the voting to legislation, plans, and policies.
- Licenses : MIT/X
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
FBReaderJ : An e-book reader for the Android platform
FBReaderJ is an e-book reader for the Android platform. It is a clone of the FBReader book reader written in Java by the same authors. FBReaderJ supports several e-book formats: oeb, epub, and fb2. Direct reading from zip, tar, and gzip archives is supported.
- Licenses : GPL
- Implementation : Java
Monday, June 29, 2009
ThinWire : Rich Web Applications, Made Simple!
ThinWire is a community driven LGPL open source development framework that allows you to easily build applications for the web that have responsive, expressive & interactive user interfaces. Use ThinWire to handle the view-layer of your Java EE (J2EE) application and you'll be able to provide an unparalleled user experience, while at the same time completing your project faster than ever. Just visit our download page and try out the framework.
ThinWire is a community driven project. The community driven model is intended to allow a large and diverse community of ThinWire users the ability to enhance, refine and grow the framework to meet the demands of the community.
- Intended Audience : Developers, Financial and Insurance Industry, Government, Healthcare Industry, Information Technology, Legal Industry
- License : GNU General Public License (GPL), GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
- Operating System : All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP), All BSD Platforms (FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD/Apple Mac OS X), All POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes), OS Independent (Written in an interpreted language), OS Portable (Source code to work with many OS platforms)
- Programming Language : Java, JavaScript
- Topic : Dynamic Content, Multimedia, Enterprise, Frameworks, User Interfaces
Dynamic Content,
User Interfaces
Thursday, June 25, 2009
OSS (Open Search Server) : A search engine server
OSS (Open Search Server) is a search engine server built using Java technologies llike Lucene, ZK, and Tomcat.
- Licenses : GPLv3
- Operating Systems : Unix, Windows, Mac OS X, Java SE
- Implementation : Java, ZK, Lucene, Apache POI
AgileWiki : A composable platform for advanced Web-based and P2P networks
AgileWiki is a composable platform for advanced Web-based and P2P networks. It allows multiple points of entry, where each node is an information fusion system with controlled access, pluggable applications, and native deductive reasoning.
- Licenses : Common Public
- Operating Systems : OS Independent
- Implementation : Java
JOpt.SDK : An automated vehicle routing and dispatching component for both Java/J2SE and .NET
JOpt.SDK is an automated vehicle routing and dispatching component for both Java/J2SE and .NET. It can solve Travelling Salesman Problems (TSP) and Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows (CVRP,VRPTW). It offers route and transport optimisation with respect to various constraints such as time windows, load capacities, and prescribed itinerary. The component is based on genetic algorithms, and automatically determines an optimized allocation of vehicels to an arbitrary set of orders.
- Operating Systems: OS Independent
- Implementation: Java
Jailer : A database subsetting and sampling tool
Jailer is a database subsetting and sampling tool. It is a tool for data exporting, schema browsing, and rendering. It exports consistent, referentially intact row-sets from relational databases. It removes obsolete data without violating integrity. It is DBMS agnostic (by using JDBC), platform independent, and generates DbUnit datasets, hierarchically structured XML, and topologically sorted SQL-DML.
- Licenses: Apache 2.0
- Operating Systems: OS Independent
- Implementation: Java
Software Development,
Sunday, June 21, 2009
FX Player : A Web-based streaming server with an iTunes-like interface
FX Player is a Web-based streaming server with an iTunes-like interface. It shares your MP3 library and allow access to your tracks through the Internet. The server side is in Java, and is Java servlet specification compliant (you may install it on Tomcat, Jetty, etc.). It uses JPA for data access (openJpa), Spring transactions, JAX-RS and JAXB (Jersey) for client-server communications, and Apache Derby for data storage. The client side is build on Adobe Flex and ActionScript.
- Licenses: MIT/X
- Operating Systems: OS Independent
- Implementation: Java
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Areca : A file backup system
Areca is a file backup system that supports data compression (zip / zip64 format) and encryption, incremental backups, FTP file transfer, a file history explorer, and many other features. It includes a transaction mechanism, which guarantees the integrity of your backups. Two user interfaces are available: a command-line interface (useful for backup automation) and a graphical user interface (useful for backup administration).
- Licenses: GPL
- Operating Systems: POSIX, Linux, Windows
- Implementation: Java
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
pulpTunes : A Web server for the iTunes
pulpTunes is a Web server for the iTunes, letting you access your music through the Web. It runs on Windows and Mac, and even any other platform like Linux, provided you have an iTunes-like XML library file that points at the path of your music files.
Licenses | GPL |
Operating Systems | OS Independent |
Implementation | Java JavaScript |
Desktop Environment,
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The ftp4j library implements a Java full-features FTP client
The ftp4j library implements a Java full-features FTP client. With ftp4j embedded in your application you can: transfer files (upload and download), browse the remote FTP site (directory listing included), create, delete, rename and move remote directories and files.
OS Independent
OS Independent
Java Libraries,
Software Development
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Orchestra : A complete solution to handle long-running, service oriented processes
Orchestra is a complete solution to handle long-running, service oriented processes. It provides out of the box orchestration functionality to handle complex business processes. It is based on the OASIS standard BPEL (Business Process Execution Language). Its objectives are improvement and control of processes, services interaction, and improving the productivity and agility of the company.
Web Services
Monday, January 12, 2009
XWidglets : A complete rich Java Swing tool for designing, creating, and using XML-based GUIs
XWidglets is a complete rich Java Swing tool for designing, creating, and using XML-based GUIs. It provides a lightweight XML client, clear separation between view, data, and process, MVC I and II support, event management, a consistent look and feel across platforms, a rich set of GUI components, and n-tier architecture integration.
[Environment] | Java/Swing | |
[Intended Audience] | Developers | |
[License] | The Apache License 2.0 | |
[Operating System] | OS Independent | |
[Programming Language] | Java | |
[Topic] | Desktop Environment :: Tools, Software Development :: Interpreters, Software Development :: Libraries, Software Development :: User Interfaces, Software Development :: Widget Sets, Text Processing :: Markup :: XML |
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