Saturday, September 20, 2008

Agilefant : A backlog management system

Agilefant is a backlog management system that can be used when spreadsheets and most of the current issue tracking and project management systems meet their limits. It is intended to be used with agile methodologies that emphasize building releasable software in short, fixed time periods, where features are commonly managed using "backlogs".

Web Mozilla
[Intended Audience]
Developers, Other Audience
OSI Approved :: MIT/X Consortium License
Information Management :: Issue Tracking, Office/Business :: Scheduling, Software Development :: Bug Tracking

pulpTunes : A Web server for the iTunes, letting you access your music through the Web

pulpTunes is a Web server for the iTunes, letting you access your music through the Web. Written in Java, it runs on Windows and Mac, and even any other platform like Linux, provided you have an iTunes-like XML library file that points at the path of your music files.

[Environment] Java/Swing, MacOS X, Web Environment, X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java, JavaScript
[Topic] Desktop Environment :: Theme :: Music, Multimedia :: Sound/Audio

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

WYMeditor : A Web-based WYSIWYM editor (What You See Is What You Mean) whose goal is to produce XHTML-CSS compliant code

WYMeditor is a Web-based WYSIWYM editor (What You See Is What You Mean) whose goal is to produce XHTML-CSS compliant code. It lets the writer concentrate on the structure and the content of the document, not on the visual layout.

[Environment] Web Environment
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL), OSI Approved :: MIT/X Consortium License
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] JavaScript
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management, Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML/XHTML

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Dapper : A tool for taming the complexities of developing for large-scale cloud and grid computing

Dapper, or "Distributed and Parallel Program Execution Runtime", is a tool for taming the complexities of developing for large-scale cloud and grid computing, enabling the user to create distributed computations from the essentials: the code that will execute, along with a dataflow graph description. It supports rich execution semantics, carefree deployment, a robust control protocol, modification of the dataflow graph at runtime, and an intuitive user interface.

[Environment] Java/Swing
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Information Management :: Workflow Frameworks, Scientific/Engineering :: Bioinformatics, System :: Clustering/Distributed Networks

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

wiki2xhtml can create complete Web pages and uses a clean XHTML syntax

wiki2xhtml can create complete Web pages and uses a clean XHTML syntax. It can insert galleries, a menu, a footer, and nearly all elements you know from the Wikipedia. The pages are formatted with CSS. All designs can be adjusted by hand, and custom ones can be used as well. wiki2xhtml generates the HTML pages from simple text files in the MediaWiki syntax. You can also use own (X)HTML code or other script languages inside; there are no restrictions. The GUI is composed of a Code Paste Window where you can insert wiki code that will be generated live. A click into the result, the XHTML code, copies it into the clipboard.

[Environment] Java/Swing
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL), OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Wiki, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site

Makagiga : A free, easy-to-use, cross-platform application for doing a variety of tasks, such as text editing, todo listing, RSS reading, and ...

Makagiga is a free, easy-to-use, cross-platform application for doing a variety of tasks, such as text editing, todo listing, RSS reading, and simple image viewing. Plugins are used to implement its various capabilities. It can perform file import/export, backing up files, Internet searching (Google, Wikipedia), and more.

[Environment] Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] The Apache License 2.0
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet, Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers, Office/Business, Text Editors