Sunday, July 27, 2008

WebtopProject : Multi-project management software which gives the ability to plan small and large projects between overlapping departments

WebtopProject is as multi-project management software which gives the ability to plan small and large projects between overlapping departments. It is designed to efficiently support the views and interests of the departments.

Web Environment
OSI Approved :: Mozilla Public License (MPL)
[Operating System]
MacOS X, Microsoft :: Windows, Unix
[Programming Language]
Information Management, Office/Business

Thursday, July 10, 2008

iDiet : A diet management tool that helps people choose, customize, and follow their diet

iDiet is a diet management tool that helps people choose, customize, and follow their diet. Several diets are supported (e.g. Atkins, Summer Fresh, The Zone, Weight Watchers, Body for Life), with details for every one of them.

[Intended Audience]
End Users/Desktop
OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System]
OS Independent
[Programming Language]
Information Management

Coadunation : A platform independent server

Coadunation is a platform independent server that was designed from the ground up to provide an easy way to develop and deploy both Web applications and daemons in a seamless standardized environment. This makes it easier for sysadmins, developers, and end users. Out of the box, it provides, an email server, a DNS server, a Webmail frontend, an application server, and more.

Console (Text Based), Web Environment
[Intended Audience]
Advanced End Users, Developers, System Administrators
OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Programming Language]
Internet, Software Development