AspenCloud Calypso Project - A project to develop a modular and extendible Contact Management System specially suited to Small and Micro Businesses.
A Contact Manager similar to, Act!. More powerful than a PIM, simpler than an Enterprise CRM. Based on Eclipse RCP, initial plugins: Shared Calendar, Gantt Chart, OpenOffice integration, IM, & Email. Custom SWT Controls: Datepicker, Table / TableTree.
The AspenCloud Calypso Project is composed of three levels, each depending on the next:
- Calypso - The sum-total of efforts, the Contact Manager
- Workbench - A framework for task and resource based projects
- Widgets - Custom Widgets built on SWT
Intended Audience : The top-level project, AspenCloud Calypso, is aimed at end users working at, and/or owning, Small or Micro Businesses. This implies that it is to be installed and operated by non-technical personnel without a requirement for significant training or support staff.
AspenCloud Calypso is also aimed at developers who wish to extend, translate, or in some way modify it to be used in some way not initial thought of.
The lower-level projects are aimed solely at developers.
AspenCloud Workbench is aimed at developers creating modular applications based on similar concepts of tasks and resources, though not necesarrily targeted at Contact Management. Workbench is itself an Eclipse RCP application, and provides an additional level of framework to help speed development even further.
AspenCloud Widgets were created out of necessity to support Calypso, but great care has been taken to ensure they will be beneficial to any developer in need of custom controls to suplement SWT. The base components depend only on SWT; their corresponding viewers have been separated into other packages adding only the dependency of JFace.