Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Reft : Ridiculously Easy File Transfer

Reft stands for "Ridiculously Easy File Transfer", and is a file transfer program without hassles. All that's required is for two parties to load Reft. One person sends a file, the other person accepts the file, and that's it.

[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications :: File Sharing

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Atomsphere : A Java library that allows you to create and modify Atom 1.0 feeds

Atomsphere is a Java library that allows you to create and modify Atom 1.0 feeds. It is also packaged as a servlet-lib for use in Web applications, and as a custom tag library to display feeds on a Web page. It comes with an example Web application that demonstrates some uses of the library. It is written to be tied as closely as possible to the current Atom specification.

[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries


EasyEclipse packages together Eclipse, the open-source software development platform, and selected open source plugins.

EasyEclipse is:
  • Free and open-source,
  • Easy to download and install, and
  • Simple to maintain, without version and dependency issues.

Monday, November 27, 2006

COWS AJAX : Portable Web Services

COWS Ajax - Portable Web Services
Changeable Origin Web Service Ajax is not restricted by the browser same origin policy. Without that restriction, the potential for web services is phenomenal. This method can be faster and eliminate common network problems associated with XMLHttpRequest.
  • License : GNU General Public License (GPL)
  • Operating System : OS Portable (Source code to work with many OS platforms)
  • Programming Language : JavaScript
  • Topic : Dynamic Content, Frameworks

Sunday, November 26, 2006

HJB : A library that provides access to JMS resources via HTTP

HJB is a library that provides access to JMS resources via HTTP. It is language-neutral and allows the writing of software libraries for communicating with JMS providers in any language that has libraries for communicating over HTTP. It provides a RESTful equivalent to all of the non-optional portions of the JMS API including registration of resources administered by the messaging provider, connection and session management, and sending and receipt of all types of JMS message.

[Environment] Web Environment
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications

Direct Democracy Portal : A portal for online organisations governed through direct democracy

Direct Democracy Portal is a portal for online organisations governed through direct democracy. It uses Maven, MySQL, hibernate annotations (EJB 3.0), Spring Framework, struts-tiles, and JSTL on JBoss.

[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers, Other Audience
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java

Areca : A file backup system

Areca is a file backup system that supports data compression and encryption, incremental backups, a file history explorer, and many other features. It includes a transaction mechanism, which guarantees the integrity of your backups. Two user interfaces are available: a command-line interface (useful for backup process automation) and a graphical user interface (useful for general administration tasks).

[Environment] Console (Text Based), MacOS X, Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] System :: Archiving :: Backup

Friday, November 24, 2006

cbviewer : A viewer for comic book

cbviewer is a viewer for comic book archives in .zip, .rar, .cbz, and .cbr formats.

[Environment] Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Multimedia :: Graphics, Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Yawet : A Web test tool that allows you to create, run, and debug test cases for Web applications

Yawet is a Web test tool that allows you to create, run, and debug test cases for Web applications. It is a Java application for version 1.4 or higher. It features a Swing GUI, verification of HTML, PDF, and XML documents, parametrisation, libraries, HTML frame support, console mode, project files in XML format, integrated HTML tree parsing, and log and report generation. It is extendable with Java.

[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] Freeware
[Operating System] MacOS X, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Software Development :: Testing

ColorJack : DHTML Color Picker

ColorJack Plugin’s main advantages are it’s simplicity. To give you an idea, let’s compare it to a similar (more popular) product named “ColourMod”… the javascript alone is 475% more bloated than ColorJack’s code. The entire size of ColourMod package is 72.3k, compared with ColorJack’s slim size of 24.5k!


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

XINS : A technology used to define, create, and invoke remote APIs

XINS is a technology used to define, create, and invoke remote APIs. XINS is specification-oriented. When API specifications are written (in XML), XINS will transform them to HTML-based documentation and Java code for both the client-side and the server-side. The communication is based on HTTP. XINS competes with the complex SOAP technology. Main design goals include simplicity, scalability, and testability. XINS is not only a specification technology, but also an application development framework. It offers transaction logging, unique log documentation, and active code generation.

[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (revised)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications, Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Software Development :: Build Tools, Software Development :: Code Generators, Software Development :: Documentation, Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries, Software Development :: Object Brokering, Software Development :: Testing, Text Processing :: Markup :: XML

JOOConverter automates conversions between office document formats using

JOOConverter automates conversions between office document formats using Supported formats include PDF, Flash, OpenDocument, RTF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It can be used as a Java library, a command line tool, or a Web application.

[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Information Management, Office/Business, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries

Avis :A flexible event router service

Avis is a flexible event router service compatible with the commercial Elvin implementation produced by Mantara Software. It provides a general-purpose, high performance publish/subscribe message bus using content-based subscriptions.

[Environment] Console (Text Based), Eclipse
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Network Environment] IP
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet, Software Development

Monday, November 20, 2006

FlowPlayer : A video player for Flash Video in FLV format

FlowPlayer is a video player for Flash Video in FLV format. The UI is clean and simple. The player is easy to configure and embed into your home page, site, or blog.

[Environment] Plugins, Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved, The Apache License 2.0
[Programming Language] Other
[Topic] Communications, Multimedia :: Video :: Display

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Big in Japan

Big in Japan is a consultancy that helps businesses understand, create, and nurture social connection with their consumers.

Big in Japan offers a full suite of services, strategies and tools to help create any social solution you need to drive your business.

Big in Japan Tools

ICEfaces : An integrated Ajax application framework

ICEfaces is an integrated Ajax application framework that enables Java EE application developers to easily create and deploy thin-client rich Internet applications (RIA) in pure Java. ICEfaces is a fully featured product that enterprise developers can use to develop new or existing Java EE applications at no cost.

ICEfaces is the only RIA framework on the market today that delivers unique Ajax Push capabilities. Discover the power of Ajax Push and create collaborative and dynamic enterprise applications like never before.

ICEfaces leverages the entire standards-based Java EE ecosystem of tools and execution environments. Rich enterprise application features are developed in pure Java, and in a pure thin-client model. There are no Applets or proprietary browser plug-ins required. ICEfaces applications are JavaServer Faces (JSF) applications, so Java EE application development skills apply directly and Java developers are isolated from doing any JavaScript related development.

Product Benefits

The benefits of using ICEfaces to enrich enterprise web applications are numerous:

  • Create a superior user experience and produce more effective enterprise Java EE applications
  • Discover the unique power of Ajax Push
  • Stay Java EE standards-compliant, develop in Java, not JavaScript
  • Deploy securely across clustered servers
  • Minimize total cost of ownership with Thin Client Ajax
  • Transform the user experience

RIA Solution for SOA

Rich User Experience

Create a new class of collaborative and dynamic enterprise applications. Unleash the unique power of Ajax Push Technology to deliver server-initiated, instantaneous presentation updates. Easily migrate existing JSP-based and traditional client-server applications to RIAs.


Develop and deploy scalable RIAs in pure Java using an integrated Ajax framework complete with rich JSF-based components. Harness the power of Ajax and leverage the entire standards-based Java EE ecosystem of familiar tools and runtime environments.

Performance, Scale and Security

Deploy rich enterprise applications with advanced Ajax connection management for maximum application reliability. Seamlessly scale applications across clustered Java EE servers. Extend the existing web security model and avoid transferring sensitive business logic and data to the client browser.

To review the supported Tools, Application Servers, and Browsers click here .

OctaGate SiteTimer aims at web site developers that needs to get a birds eye view of their work

OctaGate SiteTimer aims at web site developers that needs to get a birds eye view of their work. SiteTimer uses JSON instead of XML, because JSON faster and lighter.


SWFUpload is (c) 2006 Lars Huring - Profandesign and Mammon Media and is released under the MIT License, A big thanks to Geoff Stearns for his SWFObject, without that this litte hack wouldn't have been half as good. Check it out here:

Upload files via flash to get the flash-upload dialog goodness.
  • Only display chosen filetypes in dialog
  • Upload multiple files at once by ctrl/shift-selecting in dialog
  • Trigger javascript functions on start, cancel, progress and complete
  • Get file information/size before upload starts
  • Style upload buttons any way you want
  • Do progress-bars/information using valid XHTML and CSS
  • No page reloads, display uploaded files as they are finished
  • Works on all platforms/browsers that has Flash support.
  • Degrades gracefully to a normal html upload form if Flash or javascript isn't available

Monday, November 13, 2006

TestGen4Web : Written to ease the pain of writing tests for web applications

TestGen4Web is written to ease the pain of writing tests for web applications. This is a 2 part tool. Firefox extension, which records user input to a xml file. Translator script: to generate automated test scripts.

BlackBadger : A distributed state machine

BlackBadger is a distributed state machine, utilising the ANT scripting language for co-ordinating large numbers of machines for scheduling, deploying and running tasks.

  • Distributed State Machine implementation
  • Java SWT UI for controlling test plans
  • Small overhead for remote agents
  • Apache ANT used as the scripting language
  • Auto discovery off agent machines
  • Operating System dependent testing
  • All console logging brought back to the controller
  • Centralised logging transport mechanism
  • Sophisticated variable lookup
  • Simple XML setup
  • Single point of configuration
  • No complicated server/client setup
  • Easy to move components around different machines

Javascript Particle Engine

Javascript Particle Engine
  • Create multiple particle emitters per page
  • Emitters have individual configurations
    • Velocity Range
    • Life Decrement Range (opacity)
    • Maximum particles to use
    • Particle re-spawn number
    • Event type to trigger particles
    • Individual X, Y forces applied to particles
    • Size of particles

Phobos : A lightweight, scripting-friendly, web application environment running on the Java platform

Project Phobos is a lightweight, scripting-friendly, web application environment running on the Java platform, aimed at addressing emerging developer requirements. Scripting and dynamic languages are growing in popularity among developers, especially for building Web applications. These developers place special value on rapid application development and deployment.

The goal of Project Phobos is to show that Java is an excellent platform for server-side scripting, allowing dynamic-language developers to leverage the power of Java SE and EE. The initial focus for Project Phobos is JavaScript, but the design supports the use of other dynamic languages as well.

(Photo credit: NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems; images have been modified.)

APIlitAx : An Ajax application that allows users to manage their Google AdWords accounts in an interactive and asynchronous way

APIlitAx is an Ajax application that allows users to manage their Google AdWords accounts in an interactive and asynchronous way. The application behaves almost like a program on your desktop, but runs entirely in your Web browser. The name APIlitAx is a combination of the names of the two central components of the application: APIlity and Ajax.

[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers, End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (revised)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] JavaScript, PHP

個人網路廣告行銷工具 API

Thursday, November 09, 2006

APIlitAx : An Ajax application that allows users to manage their Google AdWords accounts in an interactive and asynchronous way

APIlitAx is an Ajax application that allows users to manage their Google AdWords accounts in an interactive and asynchronous way. The application behaves almost like a program on your desktop, but runs entirely in your Web browser. The name APIlitAx is a combination of the names of the two central components of the application: APIlity and Ajax.

[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers, End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (revised)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] JavaScript, PHP

Transec : A Java taglib component that provides a secure PIN/TAN/password input via untrusted, insecure Web browsers

Transec is a Java taglib component that provides a secure PIN/TAN/password input via untrusted, insecure Web browsers. Only images and coodinates are transferred to the browser.

[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] Freeware, OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Browsers, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management, Utilities

Monday, November 06, 2006

Areca : A file backup system

Areca is a file backup system that supports data compression and encryption, incremental backups, a file history explorer, and many other features. It includes a transaction mechanism, which guarantees the integrity of your backups. Two user interfaces are available: a command-line interface (useful for backup process automation) and a graphical user interface (useful for general administration tasks).

[Environment] Console (Text Based), MacOS X, Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] System :: Archiving :: Backup

The Calyxo Web Application Framework encourages MVC Model 2 based Web application development

The Calyxo Web Application Framework encourages MVC Model 2 based Web application development. It offers support for true modular applications, i18n, flexible view management, a powerful validation engine, and more. Calyxo's Struts plugins may replace Struts' Tiles and Validator.

[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] The Apache License 2.0
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks
myAJAX is an AJAX Javascript OOP implementation.

[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: MIT/X Consortium License
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] JavaScript
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Utilities

moo.fx : A superlightweight, ultratiny, megasmall javascript effects library

moo.fx is a superlightweight, ultratiny, megasmall javascript effects library, to be used with prototype.js or the mootools framework.

It's very easy to use, blazing fast, cross-browser, standards compliant, provides controls to modify any CSS property of any HTML element, including colors, with builtin checks that won't let a user break the effect with multiple, crazy clicks. Optimized to make you write the lesser code possible, the new moo.fx is so modular you can create any kind of effect with it.

Jepp (Java Embedded Python) embeds CPython in Java

Jepp (Java Embedded Python) embeds CPython in Java. It is stable and thread-safe, and is suitable for many different scripting needs.
  • License : zlib/libpng License
  • Operating System : OS Portable (Source code to work with many OS platforms)
  • Programming Language : C, Java, Python
  • Topic : Dynamic Content, Software Development
  • User Interface : Console/Terminal

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The media hive : A web-based playlist system, media catalog manager, and streaming content provider

The media hive is a web-based playlist system, media catalog manager, and streaming content provider. With it, you can access your media collection from anywhere using your favorite web browser, and play it with commonly-available media players such as Windows Media Player, QuickTime, XMMS, and many others.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Selenium is a test tool for web applications

Selenium is a test tool for web applications. Selenium tests run directly in a browser, just as real users do. And they run in Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Firefox on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh. No other test tool covers such a wide array of platforms.
  • Browser compatibility testing. Test your application to see if it works correctly on different browsers and operating systems. The same script can run on any Selenium platform.
  • System functional testing. Create regression tests to verify application functionality and user acceptance.
[Environment] MacOS X, Web Environment, Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[License] The Apache License 2.0
[Programming Language] JavaScript
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Software Development :: Quality Assurance, Software Development :: Testing

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

LanguageTool : A style and grammar checker

LanguageTool is a style and grammar checker that currently supports English, German, and Polish. It scans the words and their part-of-speech tags for occurrences of error patterns, which are defined in an XML file. LanguageTool should be used after spelling has been corrected.

Feedzeo : A RSS/RDF/Atom feed aggregator with reader

Feedzeo is a RSS/RDF/Atom feed aggregator with reader. It includes a backend server which aggregates the feeds and an AJAX-based Web client to access the feeds. Feedzeo's server is written in Java, while the client is written in HTML/JavaScript.

[Environment] Web Mozilla, Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications :: Gnome
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers, End Users/Desktop, Other Audience
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 95/98/ME, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Java, JavaScript
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP

類似 Google Reader 功能與介面

The sample application WebTTY was written to illustrate the usage of the TestApe unit test framework when testing native Linux applications

The WebTTY package allows any Linux terminal processes to be controlled in a text area HTML element on a webpage. The output from the server process is collected on server side, and is send to a text area element. Keypresses in textarea are collected on client side and send to the server process. WebTTY uses AJAX/DHTML patterns to achieve in-page updates without refreshing the entire page.

The package was developed to illustrate unit testing with the TestApe framework. It turned out to be a very useful demo application.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Eclipse Wiki Editor Plugin

Eclipse Wiki Editor Plugin is a simple personal or project Wiki. A Wiki is many things, but in the context of Eclipse, it is a powerful project documentation tool linking documentation to eclipse resources, web sites, bug tracking tools and other Wikis.
  • Intended Audience : Developers
  • License : Common Public License
  • Operating System : OS Portable (Source code to work with many OS platforms)
  • Programming Language : Java
  • Topic : Integrated Development Environments (IDE)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Eclipse Wiki Editor Plugin : A personal or project Wiki supporting links to local Wiki documents, eclipse resources, Java types and URLs

Eclipse Wiki Editor Plugin is a personal or project Wiki supporting links to local Wiki documents, eclipse resources, Java types and URLs. The editor supports syntax highlighting, completion, a browser and outline. Wikis can be exported with local resources.
Intended Audience : Developers
License : Common Public License
Operating System : OS Portable (Source code to work with many OS platforms)
Programming Language : Java
Topic : Integrated Development Environments (IDE)

Jimm : An ICQ clone for mobile devices, such as cellular phones

Jimm is an ICQ clone for mobile devices, such as cellular phones.

  • Jimm is an ICQ™ clone for mobile devices with J2ME™ (MIDP) technology
    (Java 2 Micro Edition / Mobile Information Device Platform)
  • It's working on a lot of devices which have J2ME™ support. (like PDAs (Palm) or most modern mobile phones)
  • Connects directly to the ICQ™ network via cheap GPRS or UMTS connection
  • ICQ™ instant messaging on the go with your mobile device
  • Brings ICQ™ to your mobile phone or J2ME™ supporting handheld
  • Uses protocol version 8
  • Supports: Sending files, local history, search for contacts and much more
  • Multilingual (English, German, Russian, Lithuanian, Bulgarian, Czech, Ukranian and Serbian are currently supported)
  • Free software, full source included (GPL'ed)

[Environment] Other Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers, End Users/Desktop, Other Audience
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications, Communications :: Chat :: ICQ

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The ZDT (Zhongwen Development Tool) : A program written to help users study Mandarin Chinese

The ZDT (Zhongwen Development Tool) is a program written to help users study Mandarin Chinese. Users can create their own word lists and quiz themselves using three different flashcard modes. There is also a dictionary that can be used to search through the built in CEDICT (and optional Adso) databases. Users can input Chinese characters and get the associated pinyin and English definitions through the Annotation function. This makes it convenient to read blocks of Chinese text. The program is built on top of the Eclipse RCP platform, which allows it to be extendable through its plugin architecture. It runs on Linux, OS X, and Windows platforms.

[Environment] Eclipse :: SWT, MacOS X, Win32 (MS Windows)
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] Eclipse Public License
[Operating System] MacOS X, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Education

Teacher Control Panel allows a teacher to monitor, lock, and operate student computers and broadcast the teacher's screen to the students

Teacher Control Panel allows a teacher to monitor, lock, and operate student computers and broadcast the teacher's screen to the students. It can work with a mix of Windows and Linux workstations. The screens are captured using VNC, and the teacher's screen is broadcast using multicast.

[Environment] Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Education

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

GeoTools : A GIS toolkit that is used for OGC-based projects via GeoAPI interfaces

GeoTools is a GIS toolkit that is used for OGC-based projects via GeoAPI interfaces. It includes two great SLD based renderers and tools for raster access and reprojection as well as plugins for Shapefile, ArcGrid, ArcSDE, Postgis, OracleSpatial, MySQL, and many more.

[Environment] MacOS X, Web Environment, Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] Developers, End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL), OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Multimedia :: Graphics, Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers, Scientific/Engineering, Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization, Software Development :: Libraries, Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks

Makagiga : A powerful, easy-to-use, cross-platform application for doing a variety of tasks, such as text editing, todo listing, feed reading...

Makagiga is a powerful, easy-to-use, cross-platform application for doing a variety of tasks, such as text editing, todo listing, feed reading, and simple image editing/viewing. Plugins are used to implement its various capabilities. It can perform file import/export, backing up files into a zip file, Internet searching (Google, Wikipedia), and more. The interface features custom colors, a tabbed view, and labels and comments for each file or folder.

[Environment] Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] The Apache License 2.0
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java, JavaScript
[Topic] Internet, Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers, Office/Business, Text Editors

HelpSetMaker allows creation and maintenance of help documents

HelpSetMaker allows creation and maintenance of help documents. It is especially tailored to the needs of the JavaHelp online help system for Java programs. Help texts are written in a very simple descriptive language, and the resulting documents are immediately shown on the screen. Links, images, and style sheets can be included and managed. It can also produce HTML and LaTeX source output.

[Environment] Eclipse :: Java/Swing, MacOS X, Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] Developers, End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Software Development :: Documentation, Text Editors :: Documentation

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Opt.SDK : An automated shipment planning and dispatching component for both Java/J2SE and .NET.

Opt.SDK is an automated shipment planning and dispatching component for both Java/J2SE and .NET. It can solve Travelling Salesman Problems (TSP) and Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows (CVRP,VRPTW). It offers route and transport optimisation with respect to various constraints such as time windows, load capacities, and prescribed itinerary. The component is based on genetic algorithms, and automatically determines an optimized allocation of vehicels to an arbitrary set of orders.

[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] Other/Proprietary License with Free Trial
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Office/Business :: Scheduling, Scientific/Engineering :: Geographical, Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries

bluemarine : A Java application for supporting the digital photo workflow

bluemarine is a Java application for supporting the digital photo workflow. It includes tools for managing, organizing, editing, and publishing photos. The latest releases also added support for GeoTagging.

[Environment] MacOS X, Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] Developers, End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: MIT/X Consortium License
[Operating System] MacOS X, Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, OS Independent, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Multimedia :: Graphics :: Editors, Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers

The XML Hammer application : A tool that simplifies elementary XML actions

The XML Hammer application is a tool that simplifies elementary XML actions like checking for well-formedness, validation, transformation, and xpath searches using any JAXP implementation.

[Environment] Other Environment
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: Mozilla Public License (MPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Software Development, Text Processing :: Markup :: XML, Text Processing :: Markup :: XSL/XSLT, Utilities

jCSP : A toolkit for building PKIX CAs

jCSP is a toolkit for building PKIX CAs. Using jCSP, it is easy to build a fully-fledged Web-based CA or a simple embedded CA for a special application.

[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (revised)
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Security, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries

Monday, October 16, 2006

Spring IDE for Eclipse provides plugins for the Eclipse platform to ease working with Bean Factory configuration files for the Spring Framework

Spring IDE for Eclipse provides plugins for the Eclipse platform to ease working with Bean Factory configuration files for the Spring Framework. It contains a Spring project nature (with an incremental builder for validating Spring bean config files), an image decorator (which decorates Spring projects and all Spring bean config files), a Spring view (which allows one to browse Spring projects and their Spring bean config files, including bean properties), and an editor showing a graph from the beans of a single config file or a set of config files.

[License] The Apache License 2.0
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks, Text Editors :: Integrated Development Environments (IDE)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Data Crow : A movie, video, book, software, and music cataloguer/database

Data Crow is a movie, video, book, software, and music cataloguer/database. It uses freeDB, Amazon, and IMDB Web services. It is highly customizable, easy to use, and feature rich. It has PDF reporting. It supports DVDs, audio CDs, and many audio and video file formats.

[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Home Automation, Multimedia

Contents management ::,

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

JonDesign's Smooth SlideShow Library

Using mootools (there is also a moo.fx version available), this javascript slideshow system allows you to have a simple and smooth (cross-fading...) image slideshows and/or showcases on your website.

Java.Inquisition : A desktop application for creating and taking computer-based tests and quizzes

Java.Inquisition is a desktop application for creating and taking computer-based tests and quizzes. It is intended for mock exams and self-assessment rather than administering formal exams. Features include multiple choice and drag-and-drop questions, an explanation and review mode, and a question editor.

[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] Public Domain
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Education :: Testing

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Helmi's Open Source RIA Platform permits client- and server-side engineers to work independently while communicating effectively through an object-oriented environment.

This powerful solution is composed of a 100% browser-based Client Framework, a Virtual Browser that enables cross-browser application operations, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), and a J2EE-based AJAX Server Connect that simplifies transmitting data from server to client.

Underlying the platform is Helmi's Intelligent Model View Controller (IMVC). This advanced architecture provides the same component library to UI developers and server-side engineers, enabling them to speak the same language while working independently.

It also relieves UI developers of the need to be concerned with communications protocols or XML definitions—thus abbreviating development time.

In addition, IMVC allows server-side developers to change UI components without altering the business-logic side and to change parameters with J2EE code.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Mule : A light-weight messaging framework

Mule is a light-weight messaging framework. It is a highly distributable object broker that can seamlessly handle interactions with other applications using disparate technologies, transports and protocols.
The Mule framework provides a highly scalable environment in which you can deploy your business components. Mule manages all the interactions between components transparently whether they exist in the same VM or over the internet and regardless of the underlying transport used.

Mule was designed around the Enterprise Service Bus architecture, which stipulates that different components or applications communicate through a common messaging bus, usually implemented using Jms or some other messaging server.
Mule goes a lot further by abstracting Jms and any other transport technology away from the business objects used to receive messages from the bus.

Key Features

  • J2EE 1.4 Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and Messaging broker
  • Pluggable connectivity such as JMS (1.0.2b and 1.1), VM (embedded), JDBC, TCP, UDP, multicast, http, servlet, SMTP, POP3, file, XMPP.
  • JBI Integration.
  • Orchestration of services using WS-BPEL and Mule components and routers.
  • Support for asynchronous, synchronous and request-response event processing over any transport.
  • Web Services using XFire (STaX-based) Axis or Glue.
  • Flexible deployment [Topologies] including Client/Server, Peer-to-Peer, ESB and Enterprise Service Network.
  • Declarative and Programmatic transaction support including XA support.
  • End-to-End support for routing, transport and transformation of events.
  • Spring framework Integration. Can be used as the ESB container and Mule can be easily embedded into Spring applications.
  • Highly scalable enterprise server using the SEDA processing model.
  • REST API to provide technology agnostic and language neutral web based access to Mule Events
  • Powerful event routing based on patterns in the popular EIP book.
  • Dynamic, declarative, content-based and rule-based routing options.
  • Non-Intrusive approach. Any object can be managed by the ESB container.
  • Powerful Application Integration framework
  • Fully extensible development model

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

SSL-Explorer : An SSL VPN solution

SSL-Explorer is an SSL VPN solution that provides users with WebDAV file access, intranet Web site proxying, Active Directory authentication, and Java application deployment using a standard Web browser.

[Environment] Web Environment, Win32 (MS Windows)
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet, Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Office/Business, Security, Security :: Cryptography, System :: Networking, System :: Systems Administration

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

SwiXAT : A Swing-based authoring tool for the quick and easy development of GUI Java applications

SwiXAT is a Swing-based authoring tool for the quick and easy development of GUI Java applications. It implements a true MVC framework and uses XML to define the view (SwiXML is used as the XUL engine), BeanShell as a scripting language for the controller, and JXPath as the binding mechanism between the view and model. It provides a complete environment in which it is possible to almost write an entire Java Swing application without writing Java compiled code. The use of XPath makes it very simple to traverse the object tree of the application's business model.

[Environment] Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers
[License] The Apache License, The Apache License 2.0
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java, JavaScript
[Topic] Desktop Environment :: Tools, Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries, Software Development :: User Interfaces

OpenXava : An XML/Java Framework for rapidly and easily developing J2EE business applications

OpenXava is an XML/Java Framework for rapidly and easily developing J2EE business applications. It is based on business components defined with XML. It is feature rich and flexible, since it has been used for years to create real business applications.

[Environment] Web Environment
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Software Development, Software Development :: Code Generators

CyberTester : allow educators to create tests, exams, & assignments consisting of multiple-choice questions & assign them to students for online

CyberTester is a Web-based application that was originally designed to allow educators to create tests, exams, and assignments consisting of multiple-choice questions and assign them to students for online testing. Students can login to take these tests and review their results. It is suitable for integrating into online education services. It uses Java Enterprise Edition (with EJB 3) and runs on JBoss.

[Environment] Web Environment, Web Mozilla
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Education :: Testing

VRaptor 2 : A Web-based MVC and IOC framework based on many frameworks and ideas (Seam, Stripes, Webwork, Hibernate Annotations, etc)

VRaptor 2 is a Web-based MVC and IOC framework based on many frameworks and ideas (Seam, Stripes, Webwork, Hibernate Annotations, etc). It makes full use of Java 5 Annotations. It favors convention over configuration, because configuration in XML/properties/annotations is always easy to make mistakes and repetitive (aka copy and paste in many places). This framework uses a more imperative approach, instead of having many XML files to configure lifecycle and other properties. Most of the settings go inside plain Java objects (POJO), so the team knows exactly what is going on and where.

[License] The Apache License 2.0
[Operating System] MacOS, MacOS X, Microsoft, Microsoft :: Windows, OS Independent, Unix
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Software Development, Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries

JAMWiki is a Java-based Wiki engine. It features Java servlet 2.3 and JDK 1.4 compatibility, feature parity with MediaWiki, quick and easy setup, and support for running either with or without an external database.

[Environment] Web Environment
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Wiki

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Apache JAMES Project delivers a rich set of open source solutions, written in Java, related to internet mail and news

The Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server (Apache James) is a 100% pure Java server, designed to be a complete and portable enterprise mail engine solution based on currently available open protocols (SMTP, POP3, NNTP). It requires Java 2 (minimum requirement is the JRE 1.4).

[Environment] No Input/Output (Daemon)
[Intended Audience] Developers, End Users/Desktop, System Administrators
[License] The Apache License, The Apache License 2.0
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications :: Email, Communications :: Email :: Filters, Communications :: Email :: Mail Transport Agents, Communications :: Email :: Mailing List Servers, Communications :: Email :: Post-Office, Communications :: Email :: Post-Office :: POP3

Sunday, October 01, 2006

AsItHappens : A real-time network statistics collector and grapher

AsItHappens is a real-time network statistics collector and grapher. It collects data from devices over a network via ICMP and SNMP and displays them on a graph, optionally storing collected data in a database for later retrieval. Collection types include network response, bandwidth usage, processor usage, memory usage, Cisco NBAR, and Cisco NetFlow. AsItHappens polls data in regular intervals, which can be in the order of milliseconds, to give immediate feedback on network performance. AsItHappens can also graph flow information from packet capture files.

[Intended Audience] System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Network Environment] IP :: IPv4
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] System :: Networking :: Monitoring

YajHFC (Yet Another Java Hylafax Client) : A platform independent client for the Hylafax fax server

YajHFC (Yet Another Java Hylafax Client) is a platform independent client for the Hylafax fax server. It supports sending new faxes, showing the server status, and displaying received and sent faxes.

[Environment] Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows, POSIX
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications :: Fax

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Webswell Connect : An e-business integration framework based on the ebXML standard

Webswell Connect is an e-business integration framework based on the ebXML standard. It allows easy, interactive and user-friendly installation. It consists of an ebXML registry/repository server and client, a messaging system for secure and reliable messaging and user interface similar to popular email clients for sending/handling ebXML messages. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, and email communication while keeping it safe and reliable by implementing digital signatures, encryption, acknowledgment mechanisms, duplication elimination, etc.

[Environment] Console (Text Based), No Input/Output (Daemon)
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: Academic Free License (AFL), OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Information Management :: Document Repositories, Information Management :: Metadata/Semantic Models, Information Management :: Workflow Frameworks, Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Office/Business, Security :: Cryptography, Text Processing :: Markup :: XML

BZByte Ajax : A Java-based interactive Web toolkit to make writting professional interactive Web applications easy

BZByte Ajax is a Java-based interactive Web toolkit to make writting professional interactive Web applications easy. It's much easier/quicker to use than other frameworks, and all development is done in Java.

[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries, Software Development :: User Interfaces

Hyperic HQ : A distributed infrastructure management system

Hyperic HQ is a distributed infrastructure management system whose architecture assures scalability, while keeping the solution easy to deploy. HQ's design is meant to deliver on the promise of a single integrated management portal capable of managing unlimited types of technologies in environments that range from small business IT departments to the operations groups of today's largest financial and industrial organizations.

[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java, JavaScript
[Topic] System :: Networking :: Monitoring, System :: Systems Administration

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

SchemaCrawler : A platform (OS and database) independent command line tool to output your database schema and data in a readable form

SchemaCrawler is a platform (OS and database) independent command line tool to output your database schema and data in a readable form. The output is designed to be diff-ed with previous versions of your database schema. SchemaCrawler is also an API that improves on standard JDBC metadata.

[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] Developers, Quality Engineers, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Database, Database :: API, Software Development :: Quality Assurance

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Openfiler : A browser-based network storage management utility

Openfiler is a browser-based network storage management utility. Linux-powered, Openfiler delivers file-based Network Attached Storage (NAS) and block-based SAN in a single framework. It supports CIFS, NFS, HTTP/DAV, FTP, and iSCSI.
  • Intended Audience : System Administrators, Financial and Insurance Industry, Government, Information Technology, Manufacturing
  • License : GNU General Public License (GPL)
  • Operating System : All POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes), Linux
  • Programming Language : C, Java, PHP
  • Topic : Enterprise, Filesystems, Backup
  • User Interface : Web-based

Open Source Requirements Management Tool : Designed to achieve full SDLC traceability for features, requirements, design, implementation, and testing

Open Source Requirements Management Tool is designed to achieve full SDLC traceability for features, requirements, design, implementation, and testing. It has a UI for requirements derivation, version control, and common or custom attributes (rationale, source, risk, effort, etc.). It is suitable for product managers, developers, and analysts to collaborate with flexibility and scalability.

[Environment] Eclipse :: Java/Swing, Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers, Quality Engineers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL), OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Information Management, Software Development :: Documentation, Software Development :: Quality Assurance, Software Development :: Testing

Dimdim : An open source web conferencing product with features like Application, Desktop and Presentation sharing with A/V streaming and chat

Dimdim is an open source web conferencing product with features like Application, Desktop and Presentation sharing with A/V streaming and chat. No installation is needed on the Attendee side and all features are available through a web browser.
  • Intended Audience : Developers, End Users/Desktop
  • License : Other/Proprietary License
  • Operating System : 32-bit MS Windows (NT/2000/XP)
  • Programming Language : ActionScript, C++, Java, JavaScript
  • Topic : Conferencing
  • User Interface : Win32 (MS Windows), Web-based

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 Open Real-time Messaging

The Open Alternative to Proprietary Enterprise Instant Messaging brings solid, scalable real-time technologies to individuals and companies using a combination of open source and open standards. A large and growing community of developers is helping the Jive EIM suite become the open alternative to proprietary solutions.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

IoChatto : A chat client which you can use in the JXTA platform

IoChatto is a chat client which you can use in the JXTA platform. Its interface is similar to many IRC chat clients, but you can have presence information for every channel, and its design is fully decentralized.

[Environment] Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (original), Other/Proprietary License with Source
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications :: Chat

Java Preferences Tool : A simple utility for Java developers and testers, in the spirit of Microsoft's Registry Editor

Java Preferences Tool is a simple utility for Java developers and testers, in the spirit of Microsoft's Registry Editor. It allows you to view, edit, compare, and search Java preferences.

[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Software Development :: Testing

Beobachter : A file monitor, usually used to watch log files

Beobachter is a file monitor, usually used to watch log files. It has a Java Swing interface that allows the user to customize the highlighting of the logs depending on the log type. It is a very simple, multi-platform, fast, and practical tool.

[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet :: Log Analysis, System :: Logging, System :: Monitoring

Sharehound : A file systems indexer and Google-like searcher

Sharehound is a file systems indexer and Google-like searcher. It currently supports SMB file shares (i.e. MS Windows-based network shares are supported). The Web UI is used for search and crawl monitoring. Files and directories are indexed and searched by their paths and some other external attributes, not contents. Historical data (deleted files and offline hosts information) is indexed, which allows you to have full-fledged RSS notifications about added, changed, and deleted files in search results.

[Environment] Web Environment
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (revised)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications :: File Sharing, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search

AntiCutAndPaste : designed to search for text fragments that have been copied and pasted in programming language source code or plain text

AntiCutAndPaste is designed to search for text fragments that have been copied and pasted in programming language source code or plain text. It has been tested on sources from large C++, Pascal, Java, and C# (Mono) projects. The algorithms used are very fast and can handle up to three million C++ code lines in one minute. Minor modifications of code are ignored during the search. Reports are sorted conveniently by the total size of all similar fragments and there are many report customization options.

[License] Free for non-commercial use
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C, C#, C++, Java
[Topic] Software Development :: Quality Assurance, Software Development :: Refactoring

MARF is a general cross-platform framework with a collection of algorithms for audio and natural language text analysis and recognition...

MARF is a general cross-platform framework with a collection of algorithms for audio (voice, speech, and sound) and natural language text analysis and recognition, along with sample applications (identification, NLP, etc.) of its use. MARF can run distributed over the network (CORBA, Java RMI, and Java XML-RPC Web Services) and may act as a library in applications or be used as a source for learning and extension.

[Environment] Console (Text Based), Eclipse
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers, Other Audience
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (revised)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Education :: Testing, Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Analysis, Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Conversion, Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Speech, Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries

Dependencies: [change]

DVD Home Video Project

dvd-homevideo is a tool that provides a simple, quick way to transform video on a DV camcorder into a fully functional DVD, including a menu with optional background images and music.

[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Multimedia :: Video :: Capture, Multimedia :: Video :: Conversion

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Acceleo : A code generator designed to efficiently implement the MDA approach and to improve software development productivity

Acceleo is a code generator designed to efficiently implement the MDA approach and to improve software development productivity. It is natively integrated with Eclipse and EMF. It includes tools and editors making it easy to learn and to adapt to any kind of project or technology. It provides incremental generation, meta-model interoperability, simple and extensible syntax, template driven customisation, and more.

[Environment] Eclipse, Plugins
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers, Quality Engineers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] C#, Java, PHP
[Topic] Adaptive Technologies, Software Development, Software Development :: Code Generators

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Sanselan : A Java image library that includes support for GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, and JPEG images

Sanselan is a Java image library that includes support for GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, and JPEG images. It can extract, parse, and apply ICC Profiles and reads and writes images (except JPEG).

[Environment] MacOS X, Web Environment, Win32 (MS Windows)
[License] The Apache License, The Apache License 2.0
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Multimedia :: Graphics, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries

Openbravo ERP

Openbravo is a fully functional integrated web-based open source enterprise management system, commonly known as ERP, that is much more at a cost that is far less. Web based ERP for SMEs, built on proven MVC & MDD framework that facilitate customization & maintenance of code. Already in production, it encompasses a broad range of functionalities such as finance, supply chain, project mgmt, manufacturing & much more
  • Database Environment : Oracle, PostgreSQL (pgsql)
  • Development Status : 5 - Production/Stable
  • Intended Audience : Developers, End Users/Desktop, Customer Service, Financial and Insurance Industry, Information Technology, Manufacturing
  • License : Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1)
  • Operating System : OS Independent (Written in an interpreted language)
  • Programming Language : Java, JavaScript, PL/SQL
  • Topic : CRM, ERP, Accounting, Point-Of-Sale, Project Management, Code Generators

Monday, September 04, 2006

HTTPManifold : An application for funnelling Web/HTTP traffic for multiple servers through a single IP address (a reverse proxy)

HTTPManifold is an application for funnelling Web/HTTP traffic for multiple servers through a single IP address (a reverse proxy). It is intended for home users and small businesses so that they can host multiple domains and sub-domains through a single IP address on port 80. HTTPManifold forwards traffic to other machines, logs requests, and rewrites content during the process. It can also log the raw content of requests for the purpose of debugging Web services, etc. It provides a Web interface for configuration and log viewing with some log analysis capabilities.

[Environment] Console (Text Based), Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers, System Administrators
[License] Aladdin Free Public License (AFPL), OSI Approved :: Academic Free License (AFL)
[Network Environment] IP
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet :: Log Analysis, Internet :: Proxy Servers, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers

QDWizard (Quick and Dirty Java Wizard) : A simple framework to create Swing wizards

QDWizard (Quick and Dirty Java Wizard) is a simple framework to create Swing wizards. It supports complex branching, i18n, errors, and requires only a few minutes to learn and use.

[Environment] Eclipse :: Java/Swing
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries, Software Development :: User Interfaces

Jajuk : A Java music organizer for all platforms

Jajuk is a Java music organizer for all platforms. The main goal of this project is to provide a fully-featured application to advanced users with large or scattered music collections. Jajuk is a Free Software published under GPL license.

Jajuk main principles are :

  • Maximum features: Jajuk is made firstly for advanced users looking for powerful functionalities
  • Maximum portability and integration: 100% pure Java but native packaging and features like tray
  • Maximum usability: Jajuk is designed to be intuitive, fast and provide multiple ways to perform the same operation
  • Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop
  • License : GNU General Public License (GPL)
  • Operating System : OS Independent (Written in an interpreted language)
  • Programming Language : Java
  • Topic : Players

Makagiga : A cross-platform application for doing a variety of tasks, like text editing, todo listing, feed reading, and simple image editing/viewing

Makagiga is a powerful, easy-to-use, cross-platform application for doing a variety of tasks, such as text editing, todo listing, feed reading, and simple image editing/viewing. Plugins are used to implement its various capabilities. It can perform file import/export, backing up files into a zip file, Internet searching (Google, Wikipedia), and more. The interface features custom colors, a tabbed view, and labels and comments for each file or folder.

[Environment] Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] The Apache License 2.0
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java, JavaScript
[Topic] Internet, Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers, Office/Business, Text Editors

Sunday, September 03, 2006

MiniPauker : A flash card based learning application for mobile devices and handhelds

MiniPauker is a flash card based learning application for mobile devices and handhelds. It is based on the leitner cardfile system and is compatible with Pauker (, the desktop version of this software). MiniPauker uses a combination of ultra-shortterm, shortterm, and longterm memory. You can use it to learn all the things you never want to forget any more, like vocabulary, capitals, and important dates.

[Environment] Handheld, Handheld :: Mobile Phone, Handheld :: PDA
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows CE, OS Independent, PalmOS, SymbianOS
[Programming Language] Java :: J2ME
[Topic] Education, Games/Entertainment, Information Management

jRate : An extension of the GNU GCJ compiler front-end and runtime system

jRate is an extension of the GNU GCJ compiler front-end and runtime system that adds support for most of the features required by the Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ), including threading constructs with real-time constraints, asynchronous event handling, and memory regions. It was initially developed at Washington University in St. Louis and is released under a license similar to GCC's GPL license that allows non-GPLed programs to be compiled and linked.

[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] C, C++, Java
[Topic] Software Development :: Build Tools, Software Development :: Code Generators, Software Development :: Compilers, Software Development :: Embedded Systems, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries

Beobachter : A file monitor, usually used to watch log files

Beobachter is a file monitor, usually used to watch log files. It has a Java Swing interface that allows the user to customize the highlighting of the logs depending on the log type. It is a very simple, multi-platform, fast, and practical tool.

[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet :: Log Analysis, System :: Logging, System :: Monitoring

EuroMath2 : A WYSIWYG XML editor platform

EuroMath2 is a WYSIWYG XML editor platform. It is able to contain and manage editors with WYSIWYG capability. By default, it contains support for SVG, DocBook, XSL-FO, XHTML, MathML, and experimental support for CML. It includes a simple text/block editor that uses schema files to modify the document. It is based on the GENE engine.

[Environment] Eclipse :: SWT
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users
[License] OSI Approved :: Mozilla Public License (MPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Text Editors, Text Processing :: Markup, Text Processing :: Markup :: DocBook, Text Processing :: Markup :: XML

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Receipts Data : An application that allows companies to keep receipts

Receipts Data is an application that allows companies to keep receipts. It provides a mechanism for searching for stored receipts and for printing documents.

[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (revised)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Office/Business Common Components Common Components Swing has lot of components built in, but still some are missing. This project provides the developer community with these missing components, inspired from modern user interfaces. It provides a PropertySheet component, a collapsible task pane (JTaskPane), a button bar (JButtonBar), a font chooser (JFontChooser), an Outlook Bar (JOutlookBar), a Tip Of The Day dialog (JTipOfTheDay), and a directory chooser (JDirectoryChooser).

[License] The Apache License 2.0
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries, Software Development :: User Interfaces, Software Development :: Widget Sets

Thursday, August 31, 2006

BZByte EZ Ajax is a Java-based interactive Web toolkit to make writting professional interactive Web applications easy. It's much easier/quicker to use than other frameworks, and all development is done in Java.

[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries, Software Development :: User Interfaces
Universal Password Manager (UPM) allows you to store usernames, passwords, URLs, etc. in an encrypted database protected by one master password. Its three strongest features are simplicity (it provides a small number of very strong features with no clutter), the ability to run cross-platform, and database sharing. Rather than having many separate databases (home, work, etc.), database sharing allows you store your database at a remote location (password protected HTTP URL, for example) and then have UPM automatically keep your local database in sync with the remote database.

  • Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop
  • License : GNU General Public License (GPL)
  • Operating System : All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP), OS Independent (Written in an interpreted language), OS X
  • Programming Language : Java
  • Topic : Database, Internet, Office/Business, Security
  • User Interface : Java Swing

Tiger Envelopes makes encryption automatic with almost any email program, allowing you to continue reading and writing mail the way you always have

Tiger Envelopes makes encryption automatic with almost any email program, allowing you to continue reading and writing mail the way you always have. It installs with one click on Windows, Mac, and Linux. It automatically configures Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Mac Mail, and KMail. Tiger is a personal mail proxy server with automatic encryption. It uses SMTP and POP3 to work with almost any mail client, crypto plugins to work with almost any type of cryptography, and Java to run on almost any operating system. Plugins for Bouncy Castle, GPG, and PGP are included.

[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications :: Email :: Filters, Security :: Cryptography

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Testar : A tool that reduces testing time for large Java unit test suites

Testar is a tool that reduces testing time for large Java unit test suites. It runs on top of JUnit and automatically selects individual tests to execute based on changes made to the code since the previous tool invocation. It can be used both from the command line and inside an IDE.

[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] Developers, Quality Engineers
[License] The Apache License 2.0
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Software Development :: Testing

Barbecue : A Java barcode generator

Barbecue is a Java barcode generator. It provides barcode generation for Swing/AWT, printing, and Web sites. Barcodes can be generated as (J)Components, JPEGs, and SVG.

[Environment] MacOS X, Other Environment, Web Environment, Win32 (MS Windows)
[Intended Audience] Developers, End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (revised)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Information Management, Multimedia :: Graphics, Office/Business :: Financial :: Point-Of-Sale, Printing, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries

Appia : A framework for network protocol composition that includes a complete set of protocols that provide group communication and atomic broadcast

Appia is a framework for network protocol composition that includes a complete set of protocols that provide group communication and atomic broadcast. It is extensible and can create channels that fit the user's needs.

[Environment] Console (Text Based)
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] The Apache License 2.0
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Adaptive Technologies, Scientific/Engineering, System :: Networking

Matrex : An un-spreadsheet that is useful for working with vectors (for example, database data and charts) and matrices

Matrex is an un-spreadsheet that is useful for working with vectors (for example, database data and charts) and matrices. It is the perfect desktop tool for mathematical, statistical, and engineering models and for other complex calculations.

Matrex : An un-spreadsheet that is useful for working with vectors (for example, database data and charts) and matrices

Matrex is an un-spreadsheet that is useful for working with vectors (for example, database data and charts) and matrices. It is the perfect desktop tool for mathematical, statistical, and engineering models and for other complex calculations.

Jitterbit : An open source integration tool that delivers a quick and simple way to design, configure, test, and deploy integration solutions

Jitterbit is an open source integration tool that delivers a quick and simple way to design, configure, test, and deploy integration solutions. It supports many document types and protocols: XML, web services, database, LDAP, text, FTP, HTTP(S), file.

  • Database Environment : ODBC, Project is a database conversion tool, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL (pgsql), Sybase
  • Intended Audience : End Users/Desktop, Financial and Insurance Industry, Healthcare Industry, Information Technology, Telecommunications Industry, Other Audience
  • License : Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1)
  • Operating System : 32-bit MS Windows (NT/2000/XP), All POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes)
  • Programming Language : C++, Java
  • Topic : Communications, XML, SOAP, Internet, Enterprise, Interface Engine/Protocol Translator
  • User Interface : Java Swing

Monday, August 28, 2006

AgileWiki : A Java-based wiki that provides a virtual wiki for each registered user, complete with access control and versioning

AgileWiki is a Java-based wiki that provides a virtual wiki for each registered user, complete with access control and versioning. The backend includes a built-in database (which uses flat files) and communicates via RMI to either a Servlet (packaged as a WAR file) or to a Swing client. AgileWiki is also both an application platform and a knowledge management system.

[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: Common Public License
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Database, Documentation, Information Management, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Wiki

Asterisk-Java provides a set of Java classes that allow you to easily build Java applications that interact with an Asterisk PBX Server

Asterisk-Java provides a set of Java classes that allow you to easily build Java applications that interact with an Asterisk PBX Server. It supports the FastAGI protocol and the Manager API.

[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved, The Apache License 2.0
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications :: Telephony, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries

Ravenous : full-featured Web server written in Java

Ravenous is full-featured Web server written in Java. It allows you to write dynamic pages in Java without the need to read stacks of books before you get started, while still providing the features needed to create complex, high performance sites once you get more development experience.

[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (original), OSI Approved :: BSD License (revised)
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers

Crispy : A lightweight Java API to invoke remote services with simple Java object calls

Crispy is a lightweight Java API to invoke remote services (RMI, CORBA, WebService, XML-RPC, EJB, Hessian, Burlap, REST, JBoss Remoting, or others) with simple Java object calls. You can integrate Crispy in a service oriented architecture (SOA), in a rich client platform (RCP), or in an inversion of control container (IoC) such as PicoContainer, SpringFramework, or HiveMind.

[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications, Internet, Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Software Development :: Libraries, Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks, Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries, System :: Networking

Stripes : A framework that makes building Java Web applications as easy as it should be

Stripes is a framework that makes building Java Web applications as easy as it should be. It uses annotations to meet the goal of zero external configuration. It includes simple yet powerful solutions to common problems such as indexed properties, multi-event forms, localization, and use of domain objects in the Web tier. All of this is contained in a compact framework with hardly any dependencies.

[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), The Apache License 2.0
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Reft : A file transfer program without hassles

Reft stands for "Ridiculously Easy File Transfer", and is a file transfer program without hassles. All that's required is for two parties to load Reft. One person sends a file, the other person accepts the file, and that's it.

[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Communications :: File Sharing

The DHTML Windowing Toolkit : A cross-browser JavaScript/CSS library for the creation of inline DHTML windows to contain content

The DHTML Windowing Toolkit is a cross-browser JavaScript/CSS library for the creation of inline DHTML windows to contain content. These windows can be opened, closed, moved, and resized much like native windows.

[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] JavaScript
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content, Software Development :: Libraries

Saturday, August 19, 2006

DROID (Digital Record Object Identification) : A software tool to perform automated batch identification of file formats

DROID (Digital Record Object Identification) is a software tool to perform automated batch identification of file formats. It is designed to meet the fundamental requirement of any digital repository to be able to identify the precise format of all stored digital objects, and to link that identification to a central registry of technical information about that format and its dependencies. It uses internal and external signatures to identify and report the specific file format versions of digital files. These signatures are stored in an XML signature file, generated from information recorded in the PRONOM technical registry. New and updated signatures are regularly added to PRONOM, and DROID can be configured to automatically download updated signature files from the PRONOM Web site via Web services.

[Environment] Console (Text Based), Eclipse :: Java/Swing
[Intended Audience] Advanced End Users, Developers, End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (revised)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Information Management, Utilities

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Sakai: Collaboration and Learning Environment for Education

Sakai is an online open source Collaboration and Learning Environment. Many users of Sakai deploy it to support teaching and learning, ad hoc group collaboration, support for portfolios and research collaboration.

Sakai is a free and open source product that is built and maintained by the Sakai community. Sakai's development model is called "Community Source" because many of the developers creating Sakai are drawn from the "community" of organizations that have adopted and are using Sakai.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

TightVNC : A VNC distribution with many new features, improvements, and bugfixes over VNC

TightVNC is a VNC distribution with many new features, improvements, and bugfixes over VNC. It is optimized for faster operation on slow network links such as modem connections, provides more configuration options in the server, features automatic SSH tunneling in the Unix vncviewer, and more. The modified servers and viewers are fully compatible with the original VNC software.

[Environment] Web Environment, Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop, System Administrators
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows, POSIX
[Programming Language] C, C++, Java
[Topic] System :: Networking, System :: Systems Administration

Monday, August 14, 2006

TiddlyTasks : merely a hack of the original TiddlyWiki

TiddlyTasks is merely a hack of the original TiddlyWiki. It was originally inspired by GTDTiddlyWiki. The goal was to implement an easy-to-use task manager in TiddlyWiki style.

[Environment] Web Environment
[License] OSI Approved :: BSD License (revised)
[Topic] Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content

Ganttproject : A pure Java application thats lets you plan project using Gantt charts

Ganttproject is a pure Java application thats lets you plan project using Gantt charts. It lets you easily breaks down a project into tasks, show dependencies, and manage resources. It uses a file format based on XML and can export into HTML and PDF documents using XSL transformations. The software is translated into 20 languages.

[Environment] MacOS X, Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Office/Business :: Scheduling

Sunday, August 13, 2006

ClikMenu : A library of functions for creating drop-down and popup menus with JavaScript

ClikMenu is a library of functions for creating drop-down and popup menus with JavaScript. Support for multi-level (i.e. cascading or hierarchical) menus is standard, and entries can be URI links, "onmousedown"-type function calls, plaintext labels, or submenus. ClikMenu is compatible with Firefox, Internet Explorer 6, and other recent browsers. There are no server-side requirements.

[Environment] Web Environment
[Intended Audience] Developers
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] JavaScript
[Topic] Software Development :: Libraries

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Clepsydra : A free web application for managing a numeric data collection (it's pictures centric, but can also store other type of content)

Clepsydra is a free web application for managing a numeric data collection (it's pictures centric, but can also store other type of content).

It allows you to share your documents over the internet. So you don't have anymore to send your pictures by email or to check ten different web sites to look at the pictures of the same wedding. Different people contribute by adding their pictures or documents and the other users can look at them, search for them, view a satellite map containing them or display a slide show. Instead of trying to collect all the pictures from you friends and family, you can just manage them in a central server, and publish them to everybody easily in one shot. But if you want to look only at the pictures you took it's real easy too. The goal is that each one is not running it's own gallery system, but instead one gallery system is used by everybody.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

MaCollec : A Web-based collections manager written in PHP/Javascript

MaCollec is a Web-based collections manager written in PHP/Javascript. It's based on the AJAX technology to produce a nice-looking and pleasant interface. It doesn't require a database. Item information (including cover pictures) are retrieved from online libraries.

[Environment] Web Environment
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] OS Independent
[Programming Language] JavaScript, PHP
[Topic] Information Management, Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content

OAT (OpenLink AJAX Toolkit) offers a broad Javascript-based, browser-independent widget set for building rich user interfaces on all common browsers

OAT (OpenLink AJAX Toolkit) offers a broad Javascript-based, browser-independent widget set for building rich user interfaces on all common browsers. It comes with sample applications for interactive SQL query composition and database design. These applications work against any Microsoft XML for Analysis (XML/A) servers, such as OpenLink Virtuoso and others.

CrossFTP Server : A professional FTP server for multiple platforms

CrossFTP Server is a professional FTP server for multiple platforms. It offers a high-performance, easy configurable, and most of all secure FTP server. Its main advantage is that it is very easy to get started by the novice users, and meets advanced users' requirements as well. It supports user virtual directories, write permissions, idle time-out, and upload/download bandwidth limitations. You can monitor all user activities. Both upload and download files are resumable. A database and LDAP can be used to store user data. "MODE Z" is supported for faster transfers.

[License] The Apache License 2.0
[Operating System] MacOS X, Microsoft :: Windows, OS Independent, POSIX :: Linux
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Monday, August 07, 2006

Jackcess : A pure Java library for reading from and writing to MS Access databases

Jackcess ia a pure Java library for reading from and writing to MS Access databases. It is not an application. There is no GUI. It's a library, intended for other developers to use to build Java applications.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

KisKis (Keep It Secret! Keep It Safe!) : An easy-to-use password manager

KisKis (Keep It Secret! Keep It Safe!) is an easy-to-use password manager. It allows the user to manage passwords for many different purposes, including network or Internet accounts, credit-card pin-numbers, and password-secured files. The accounts can be grouped hierarchically within a tree structure. Each account can be described by multiple attributes (such as user name or URL), file attachments, and comments. The history of each password change can be tracked. All passwords are stored in a single XML file using OpenPGP messages.

Environment] Win32 (MS Windows), X11 Applications
[Intended Audience] End Users/Desktop
[License] OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
[Operating System] Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows NT/2000/XP, POSIX :: Linux, POSIX :: SunOS/Solaris
[Programming Language] Java
[Topic] Security, Security :: Cryptography